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Re: BackupSuite #41 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 19 March 2012 - 17:59

Hier is een nieuwe versie van de BackupSuite. Doordat er een wijziging is geweest in de manier van mounten van externe USB-harddisks kon het gebeuren dat het maken van een volledige back-up naar harddisk niet meer werkte doordat de schijf niet meer gemount was op /hdd

In deze nieuwe versie denk ik dat ondervangen te hebben door de plugin te laten checken op alle devices (/dev/sda1, /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdc1, /dev/sdd1 en /dev/sde1) allereerst of er een ext(x) systeem aanwezig is (EXT2, EXT3 of EXT4) en vervolgens of de schijf voldoet aan een minimum grootte (momenteel 33GB om USB-sticks te ontwijken). Als derde actie wordt de grootst aanwezige ext(x) schijf gekozen als back-up medium.

Bij de start van het proces wordt weergegeven op welke mount de back-up gemaakt wordt, de totale schijf-grootte en de hoeveelheid vrije geheugen op die schijf, bijvoorbeeld:
Back-up -> /media/hdd (931 GB)
Free ----> 884 GB

* noot:
De hoeveelheid schijfruimte wordt weergegeven in echte GB's dus de bytes gedeeld door 1.073.741.824 in plaats van wat de fabrikanten doen delen door
Een 1TB schijf wordt dan ook weergegeven als een 931 GB schijf.

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Re: BackupSuite #42 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 19 March 2012 - 20:07

Sorry the above post was intended for the Dutch part of the forum, but you would have already guessed it

Re: BackupSuite #43 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 07:10

Here's a new version, in the previous version there could be an errormessage in case there are double mounts on 1 device. The error had no consequences for the back-up.
Thanks to Biki3 for the research and solution.

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Re: BackupSuite #44 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 16 April 2012 - 06:04

And another a new version, now version 9.2

Changed in version 9.2 compared with version 9.1:
- When making a back-up
the total size and free size of the back-up medium is reported , so also when a back-up is made to USB and other media e.g. mmc1
- When making a back-up to HDD and if a valid USB-stick is detected then the total- and free size is also reported.
- Made some code adjustments and clustered the detection of the models 9x00 and 6500 these using the same instructions on how to restore, the same goes for the models 5x00 and 6000.
- Some minor code changes

But the biggest change is that the code for the old-bootloaders is dropped so these are no longer supported, I can't imagine these are still in use.
In case there is an old bootloader detected this will be reported and it will be advised to use an older backupsuite prior to V 9.2

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Edited by Pedro_Newbie, 16 April 2012 - 06:05.

Re: BackupSuite #45 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 20:22

And another a new version, now version 9.3

Changed in version 9.3 compared with version 9.2
(a bit technical):[list]
[*]Rearranged the code a little so the parameters from the start engines backup.sh from the USB and HDD/USB modules are passed to the backupsuite.sh, therefore there is no need to define these again in backupsuite.sh
[*]Changed the handling of the (error-)messages a bit so the code in backupsuite.sh is >15% smaller and a little faster (just about 15-20 seconds on my VU+ at a total backuptime of 3.45 min.)

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Re: BackupSuite #46 LLTim

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Posted 1 May 2012 - 23:34

Hi Pedro!

Thanks a lot for your great Plugin! Is there any chance that you can implement a feature to flash an image directly from the harddisk without using a USB-Stick? This feature can be found in the Image-Tools of the VTI-Team for VU+ Boxes.

Re: BackupSuite #47 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 2 May 2012 - 05:55

No there are no plans to implement this feature. I think VTI has build this in the image not as a plugin.

There is also a small change made in the BackupSuite, therefore here's a new version

Changed in version 9.4 compared with version 9.3[list]
[*]Minor changes in the handling of the (error-)messages, stripped some newlines in some massages

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Re: BackupSuite #48 LLTim

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Posted 2 May 2012 - 22:27


this is the restore script developed by scope34 from vuplus-support.org to restore an image from hdd. perhaps you can give it a try :-)
I hope it is ok that I post it here! It's not my script, it is made by scope34!

# Version 1.2  - 08.03.2010
# supports only USB Image Restore directly to NAND Flash
# Version 1.3 - 02.07.2010
# support for Vu+ Solo added
# Version 1.4 - 19.03.2010
# fix broken support for Vu+ Solo
# add support for different restore locations
# Version 1.5 - 18.04.2010
# support for Vu+ Uno and Ultimo
#	   Created by scope34 (AN) - Andreas Nobel
#			   for www.vuplus-support.org
# Usage:
# /media/hdd/vuplus/[duo/solo] is the directory where
# vuplus-image-restore utility is looking for the three
# the usb image files to burn them to NAND Flash
# Just copy the wished image files into this directory
# and vuplus-image-restore can be stared by main menu -> extensions ->
# Vuplus-Image-Restore -> Execute.
# The complete prcedure would last a few seconds after the stb
# is going to deep-standby. now power on your stb to boot the flashed
# image.


if grep duo /proc/stb/info/vumodel > /dev/null ; then
	    OPTIONS="--eraseblock=0x20000 -n -l"
elif grep solo /proc/stb/info/vumodel > /dev/null ; then
	    OPTIONS="--eraseblock=0x20000 -n -l"
elif grep uno /proc/stb/info/vumodel > /dev/null ; then
	    OPTIONS="--eraseblock=0x20000 -n -l"
elif grep ultimo /proc/stb/info/vumodel > /dev/null ; then
	    OPTIONS="--eraseblock=0x20000 -n -l"
    echo "No $BOXTYPE Box detected !!!"
    exit 0

echo " "
echo "****************************************************"
echo " "
echo "   Image Restore Tool for $BOXTYPE by scope34 (AN) "
echo "				   and VTI Team"
echo "			 Version 1.4 - 19.03.2011"
echo " "
echo "****************************************************"
echo " "
echo $BOXTYPE $STB" detected"
echo " "
echo "****************************************************"
echo " "

if [ -d $DEFAULTDIRECTORY ] ; then
    echo "************************************************************************"
    echo "Vuplus Restore Directory $DEFAULTDIRECTORY detected. Going on with Flash Restore progress."
    echo "No vuplus Restore Directory $DEFAULTDIRECTORY detected. It will now be created automatically."

if [ ! $RESTOREDIRECTORY == "/media/hdd" ] ; then
    echo "************************************************************************"
    echo "    Copying choosen backup image to default restore directory at HDD"
    echo "******************************************************"
    echo "Copying .... to HDD"

if [ -f $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/root_cfe_auto.jffs2 -a -f $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/boot_cfe_auto.jffs2 -a -f $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/kernel_cfe_auto.bin ] ; then
    echo "Attention:"
    echo " "
    echo "Your Vuplus will be powered off automatically after the flashing progress."
    echo "Please power on again after 60 seconds to boot the flashed image."
    echo " "
    echo "Preparing Flashprogress."
    cp /usr/bin/turnoff_power /tmp/
    cp /usr/bin/nandwrite $DEFAULTDIRECTORY
    cp /usr/bin/flash_eraseall $DEFAULTDIRECTORY
    cp /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/VTIPanel/sleep $DEFAULTDIRECTORY
    chmod uog+rwx $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/sleep
    sleep 2
    init 1
    sleep 2
    $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/flash_eraseall -q -j /dev/mtd2
    $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/flash_eraseall -q -j /dev/mtd1
    $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/nandwrite -q -p /dev/mtd2 boot_cfe_auto.jffs2
    $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/nandwrite -q -p /dev/mtd1 kernel_cfe_auto.bin
    $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/flash_eraseall -q -j /dev/mtd0
    $DEFAULTDIRECTORY/nandwrite -q /dev/mtd0 root_cfe_auto.jffs2
    echo "####################################################"
    echo "			 No VTI backup image found"
    echo "   check /media/hdd/vuplus/duo/solo/uno or ultimo"
    echo "				 Backup failed !!!!!"
    echo "####################################################"

Re: BackupSuite #49 andyblac

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Posted 3 May 2012 - 09:52

sorry but that an't gonna work, that for the old linux 2.6.18 and JIFFS2 file system.

Re: BackupSuite #50 LLTim

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Posted 3 May 2012 - 11:42

But this script ist in the VTI 4.1 wich is definitely kernel 3.1.1.... ???

Re: BackupSuite #51 Rob van der Does

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Posted 3 May 2012 - 12:22

But this script ist in the VTI 4.1 wich is definitely kernel 3.1.1.... ???

And you found it to be working under 4.1?

Re: BackupSuite #52 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 3 May 2012 - 15:55

Whether it will work or not, I have no plans to change the backupsuite in that direction. About a year ago there was already a plugin that restored an image "on the fly" so to speak, with different outcomes some times.
Also the backupsuite supports more then only the VU+ models and not unimportant my time and skills are limited, It doesn't have to look like work :D

Re: BackupSuite #53 Odyssey

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Posted 8 May 2012 - 09:06

I made small corrections to my Russian translation

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Re: BackupSuite #54 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 8 May 2012 - 15:21

Hi Odyssey, thank you very much for your revised translation, I will add it with the next version, 9.5.
Again thanks

Edit: are you sure you send the right version, with a file compare on the po file there are no differences except the line:
"Last-Translator: Odyssey <odyssey-mailbox@bk.ru>\n"

Edited by Pedro_Newbie, 8 May 2012 - 15:25.

Re: BackupSuite #55 Odyssey

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Posted 10 May 2012 - 11:11

I took mine and default files from 9.4 and compared them.
I changed a few lines, because they differed in the English version (default) on what was in my file (BackupSuite.po) - part of the English words were in upper case, and I have at the bottom.
removed some "\ n"
the meaning of of translation has not changed
p.s. not found in the language file references "about the size of the media," I think it's not dead ... :)

Re: BackupSuite #56 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 20:12

Again a new version, version 9.7 at the moment
- Better detection/controlling the media mounted on /hdd, it could happen that the total size and available size was wrongly reported because these totals shifted 1 column due to long names such as /media/net/recordings_in_HD.
- Added some compatibility for Xtrend images V5

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Re: BackupSuite #57 Odyssey

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Posted 22 May 2012 - 11:28

Addition to the current plugin = Automatic daily Fullbackup with the ability to delete backups, for example over 3 weeks, etc. .
However I do not know how it will work on the VU, but ET is working 100%.
Collaboration based on the original plugin AutoBackup (MiLo), Pedro_Newbie and author Дмитрий73.
Plugin requires the installation of a standard BackupSuite (rather its binaries)

p.s. Perhaps in the future this add-on will appear in new versions.

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Edited by Odyssey, 22 May 2012 - 11:31.

Re: BackupSuite #58 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 06:09


Here's a first beta of the plugin BackupSuite, suitable for Openpli 3.0 (and 3.0 only, not for the current 2.1)

Install it via an USB-stick (first remove the old version if installed).

Limited tested and all seems fine, just it at your own risk.

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Re: BackupSuite #59 Pedro_Newbie

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 20:55

Tomorrow with the next builds an updated version of the BackupSuite will be available online, this will be version 10.5

Re: BackupSuite #60 Martin_B

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 16:17

Hi Pedro_Newbie

can you tell me what's the exact name of the package on the feed.
I'd like to install via
opkg install xxx


Edited by Martin_B, 24 September 2012 - 16:18.

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