for which regards the country names, these have not been translated as in my opinion they are to be used by non Italian speaking people to select their UI own language.
So they are not to be understood by the Italians... and English country names are more internationally known and therefore useful for this scope.
Formal Italian is generally advised and widely used in many types of documentation, both technical and legal (like user manuals, prescriptions, regulatory or warning recommendations, etc.).
The reason is that in the Italian language the second person singular is used only when speaking with friends or relatives.
It's different from English where this second person can refer both to singular and plural.
As a consequence, a lot of people (like me) don't like to be approached using the second person singular when dealing with strangers.
Windows (and many others) adopted the second person singular mainly for compactness and because it's more similar to English. But this doesn't mean that it's a better way to translate, it's only somehow easier, shorter and more friendly.
At the end it's only a matter of preference.
Edited by Eragon, 22 February 2018 - 22:36.