I've ported the e2procfs for the k2pro on the 3.14.29 kernel now I have some of the proc/stb nodes(some of them are just set to null)
I've loaded the avl6862 drivers and I have /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
for /proc/bus/nim_sockets most of the tools I've tried fails to detect that the avl6862 support muliple standards(dvb-s,dvb-s2 and dvb-t) and instead they identify it as dvb-t frontend, I've tried linkdroid-cnim and create_nimsockets
and they both result in the following:
NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-T2
Name: Availink avl6862
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0
Unfortunately I can't test dvb-T2, I can only test dvb-s and dvb-s2 so I wrote the following to the /proc/bus/nim_scokets
NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S
Name: Availink avl6862
Has_Outputs: no
Frontend_Device: 0
now enigma2 sees the tuner as dvb-s and I can use the setup and set the satellite, but the scan doesn't find any channels, when running a scan I get this error in the console
FE_SET_PROPERTY failed: Bad address
the error is repeated with every frequency it scans.
So what is the cause of this error ? a particular /proc/stb node missing ? How can I collect more info about this error(enable debuggig ?)
note that the avl6862 driver uses dvb api version 3 (I think) and when running enigma I get this in the console:
So maybe enigma2 is compiled for dvb api version 5 and this causes it to not being able to communicate correctly with the avl6862 ?
Would appreciate if any of enigma2 experts can help me debug this