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wifi debugging: edimax/ralink usb stick

wifi usb ralink

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#1 mjray

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 11:04

I've tried plugging in a wifi usb stick I had lying around. It's an edimax which seems to use a ralink chipset (I can get and type in the exact driver name if it's important but bear with me...) and it can see the network on a scan but it won't associate when I enter the encryption details. What's the best way to debug this? If I connect a wired network so I can telnet in from another machine, I seem to have to disable the wifi network device before it'll bring up the wired, but maybe I'm doing something wrong there. Can I view the connection logs from the menus somewhere, maybe with an extension?

Re: wifi debugging: edimax/ralink usb stick #2 WanWizard

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 13:04

Wired and Wireless together as such is not a problem, I use that all the time (with an old sitecom stick). But you need to make sure both interfaces are enabled, if you enable one and it finds a network, it prompts you to disable other interfaces (don't ask me why).


There is no GUI for log files, you need to use the commandline for that (files in /var/log).

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: wifi, usb, ralink

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