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plugin/Python - I'm looking for a way to run a Youtube video from a certain position (not from the beginning)

Python plugin youtube-dl

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#1 s3n0

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Posted 14 February 2019 - 19:13


I am not an expert in programming under Enigma2. So I ask for advice from the more experienced Enigma2 programmers. I've just created a simple plugin for testing.


I'm looking for a way to run a Youtube video from a certain position (not from the beginning). I can translate the original Youtube link to the Youtube streaming link. This can be done by using the imported "youtube_dl" python module (source: github / youtube-dl) or via imported code (as a module) from the original Youtube plug-in. Unfortunately, in the "youtube-dl" project, it is not possible to get a streaming video link directly from the specified position.

Is there a way to start a Youtube video from a certain position? (of course streaming URL, after translation from the original Youtube URL, which is determined by its video-ID code)
Or run a stream in Enigma2, and then set a new stream position immediately?

I have also searched for a code on the github server (Youtube plug-in), but I did not understand much :-). I found only a video shift left / right. Unfortunately, it does not work. I do not know how exactly the "4097 service" in Enigma is used to play the online stream. Is it at all possible to start the stream from a certain position?





Here is the plugin code example:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#### from __future__ import unicode_literals
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL                 # opkg update && opkg install python-youtube-dl

from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor
from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox

from Screens.Screen import Screen
from Screens.InfoBarGenerics import InfoBarNotifications
from enigma import eTimer, eConsoleAppContainer, ePicLoad, loadPNG, loadJPG, getDesktop, eServiceReference, iPlayableService, eListboxPythonMultiContent, RT_HALIGN_LEFT, RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, RT_HALIGN_CENTER, RT_VALIGN_CENTER
from Components.ServiceEventTracker import ServiceEventTracker
from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap
from Components.Label import Label

def ytStreamURL(video_id = ''):           # video_id = youtube URL link or video-ID only, to translate into streaming youtube URL
    ydl_opts = {'format': 'bestvideo+bestaudio', 'verbose': True}
    data = video_url = audio_url = ''
    with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
        data = ydl.extract_info(video_id, download=False)
    if not data:
        return ''
    data = data['formats']
    for row in data:         # browse thorough all possible formats (audio+video / video / audio tracks)
        if not video_url and row['format_id'] == '137' or row['format_id'] == '136':  video_url = row['url']            # '22'
        if not audio_url and row['format_id'] == '140' or row['format_id'] == '171':  audio_url = row['url']
    if video_url and audio_url:
        return str(video_url + '&suburi=' + audio_url)        # return the two URL streams - joined as together with the "&suburi=" parameter
        return ''

class AthanTimesStreamVideo(Screen, InfoBarNotifications):
    STATE_IDLE = 0
    skinfhd = '''
        <screen name="AthanTimesStreamVideo" flags="wfNoBorder" position="0,0" size="1920,1080" title="AthanTimesStreamVideo" backgroundColor="transparent">
            <widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="13,9" size="250,100" font="Regular; 28" halign="left" backgroundColor="#263c59" shadowColor="#1d354c" shadowOffset="-1,-1" transparent="1" zPosition="1">
                <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%d.%m.%Y</convert>
    skinhd = '''
        <screen name="AthanTimesStreamVideo" flags="wfNoBorder" position="0,0" size="1280,720" title="LiveSoccerStream" backgroundColor="transparent">
            <widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="3,5" size="150,100" font="Regular; 24" halign="left" backgroundColor="#263c59" shadowColor="#1d354c" shadowOffset="-1,-1" transparent="1" zPosition="1">
                <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%d.%m.%Y</convert>
    def __init__(self, session, service):
        Screen.__init__(self, session)
        self.skin = AthanTimesStreamVideo.skinhd
        #if dwidth == 1280:
        #    self.skin = AthanTimesStreamVideo.skinhd
        #    self.skin = AthanTimesStreamVideo.skinfhd
        self.session = session
        self.initialservice = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        self.service = service
        self.screen_timeout = 1000
        self.__event_tracker = ServiceEventTracker(screen = self,
               eventmap = { iPlayableService.evSeekableStatusChanged  :  self.__seekableStatusChanged,
                            iPlayableService.evStart  : self.__serviceStarted,
                            iPlayableService.evEOF    : self.__evEOF  } )
        self['actions'] = ActionMap( ['OkCancelActions', 'InfobarSeekActions', 'ColorActions', 'MediaPlayerActions', 'MovieSelectionActions'], {
            'ok'     : self.leavePlayer,
            'cancel' : self.leavePlayer,
            'stop'   : self.leavePlayer  } , -2)
        self['pauseplay'] = Label(_('Play'))
        self.hidetimer = eTimer()
        #self.repeter = True
        self.repeater = True
        self.state = self.STATE_PLAYING
        self.onPlayStateChanged = []
    def __onClose(self):
    def __evEOF(self):
        self.STATE_PLAYING = True
        self.state = self.STATE_PLAYING
        if self.session.nav.stopService():
            self.state = self.STATE_PLAYING
    def __setHideTimer(self):
    def ok(self):
    def playNextFile(self):
        self.session.open(MessageBox, 'only to watch not play Next and Prev File', MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
    def playPrevFile(self):
        self.session.open(MessageBox, 'only to watch not play Next and Prev File', MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
    def playService(self, newservice):
        if self.state == self.STATE_IDLE:
        self.service = newservice
    def play(self):
        self.state = self.STATE_PLAYING
    def __seekableStatusChanged(self):
        service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
        if service is not None:
            seek = service.seek()
            if seek is None or not seek.isCurrentlySeekable():
    def __serviceStarted(self):
        self.state = self.STATE_PLAYING
    def setSeekState(self, wantstate):
        print 'setSeekState'
        if wantstate == self.STATE_PAUSED:
            print 'trying to switch to Pause- state:', self.STATE_PAUSED
        elif wantstate == self.STATE_PLAYING:
            print 'trying to switch to playing- state:', self.STATE_PLAYING
        service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
        if service is None:
            print 'No Service found'
            return False
            pauseable = service.pause()
            if pauseable is None:
                print 'not pauseable.'
                self.state = self.STATE_PLAYING
            if pauseable is not None:
                print 'service is pausable'
                if wantstate == self.STATE_PAUSED:
                    print 'WANT TO PAUSE'
                    self.state = self.STATE_PAUSED
                    if not self.shown:
                elif wantstate == self.STATE_PLAYING:
                    print 'WANT TO PLAY'
                    self.state = self.STATE_PLAYING
                    if self.shown:
            for c in self.onPlayStateChanged:

            return True
    def handleLeave(self):
    def leavePlayer(self):

def backToIntialService():

def pluginOpen(session, **kwargs):
    streamURL = ytStreamURL('LXb3EKWsInQ')                         # LXb3EKWsInQ(costa rica 4k) zw5BReAqBS8(do 1080p building machines) fDWFVI8PQOI(shufle-dance-1080p) e8WhbRgxe64(videoclip up to max. 4K resolution)
    sref = eServiceReference(4097, 0, streamURL)
    session.openWithCallback(backToIntialService, AthanTimesStreamVideo, sref)
    #session.open(MessageBox, message, type = MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) 

def Plugins(**kwargs):
    return PluginDescriptor(
            name = "test plugin No. 42",
            description = "YouTube link transform - from original URL to a streaming URL & play it",
            where = [ PluginDescriptor.WHERE_EXTENSIONSMENU ,  PluginDescriptor.WHERE_PLUGINMENU ] ,
            icon = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/img/link.png",
            fnc = pluginOpen)

Re: plugin/Python - I'm looking for a way to run a Youtube video from a certain position (not from the beginning) #2 zeros

  • PLi® Contributor
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Posted 14 February 2019 - 20:39

Just why you need this thing? The speeding works perfectly. With 2x or 4x or 16x or ... velocity you will find quickly your desired location.

DM920UHD DVB-S2X TRIPLE tuner + Triple M.S tuner DVB-S2X, DVB-T2/T, QboxHD, QboxHD Mini, Icecrypt T2300HD,
Qviart Lunix3 4K, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB & 8GB

Vertex 4K60 4:4:4 600MHz

Re: plugin/Python - I'm looking for a way to run a Youtube video from a certain position (not from the beginning) #3 betacentauri

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Posted 14 February 2019 - 20:47

Try to call this procedure:
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: plugin/Python - I'm looking for a way to run a Youtube video from a certain position (not from the beginning) #4 s3n0

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Posted 14 February 2019 - 21:16

Hi. Thanks for the answers.


I have tried the doSeek and doSeekRelative methods, unfortunately without success. Then I've also tried those rewind and forward video shifting methods that you're showing, but nothing else. There will probably be a poorly implemented class of Athan........ whose authorship does not belong to me. It is taken from another plugin (only for testing, of course, I will build my own class later).


I really do not know how to do it. I have also seen the Youtube plug-in code (Taapat/github), which also has its Screen to play video, but there is only a short video shift. And even so I dont know use it in Athan........ class code :). It did not work.

Re: plugin/Python - I'm looking for a way to run a Youtube video from a certain position (not from the beginning) #5 Taapat

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Posted 17 February 2019 - 20:24

On dash mp4 streams in gstreamer are problems with seek.
You can try in my plugin. If in your chosen video seek is working, then doSeek or doSeekRelative also should work.

Re: plugin/Python - I'm looking for a way to run a Youtube video from a certain position (not from the beginning) #6 mrvica

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Posted 17 February 2019 - 21:15

it works in VOD, long >> (fast forward FF) and input minutes (default 5)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Python, plugin, youtube-dl

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