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Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings?

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#1 LoveMyDish

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Posted 4 November 2019 - 15:00

I would like to make modifications to the diseqc position plugin.  I would like it to default to the Diseqc store position as setup in the Tuner configuration settings for the current signal. I would basically like to personalize the plugin allowing me to quickly nudge the satellite dish east / west, and then store the position.  The current plugin doesn't know the store position, you have to enter it.  That is not very user friendly.



Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #2 LoveMyDish

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Posted 9 November 2019 - 21:05

I was able to get it.  I added a new 'blue button' option when fine tuning to be able to 'save/store the diseqc motor position'  -  If you are on a satellite that has no diseqc motor defined, then the blue button will be blank and do nothing.


Attached File  _tmp_1573328290798.png   49KB   2 downloads

Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #3 LoveMyDish

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Posted 9 November 2019 - 21:11

Here is the function that gets the Diseqc Position that i wrote.  The other stuff of modifying the button etc should be easy for anyone with any plugin experience.  For the life of me, i could not figure out how to get the rotorposition through the built in classes.  If someone knows how to do that, please post and explain, but in the mean time, i grabbed it myself by parsing the enigma/settings file.


    def getDiseqcPos(self):
        global diseqcpos
        nimsatid = 0
        diseqcpos = 0
        feparm = self.tuner.lastparm.getDVBS()
        nimsatid = feparm.orbital_position
        want = "n/a"
        ObjRead = open("/etc/enigma2/settings", "r")
        txtContent = ObjRead.read();
        fnd = str(nimsatid) + ".rotorposition="
        sz = len(fnd)
        rPos = txtContent.find(fnd)
        if rPos > 0:
            want = txtContent[rPos+sz:rPos+sz+2]
            if want.isdigit():
                diseqcpos = int(want)

Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #4 el bandido

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Posted 10 November 2019 - 17:25

I would like to make modifications to the diseqc position plugin.  I would like it to default to the Diseqc store position as setup in the Tuner configuration settings for the current signal. I would basically like to personalize the plugin allowing me to quickly nudge the satellite dish east / west, and then store the position.  The current plugin doesn't know the store position, you have to enter it.  That is not very user friendly.

I do not understand what you are trying to do. It seems like you are trying to add features that already exist as you can already move or nudge the dish and save or store the position. (See attached screencap.)

Attached Files

Edited by el bandido, 10 November 2019 - 17:26.

Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #5 LoveMyDish

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Posted 10 November 2019 - 18:59

I do not understand what you are trying to do. It seems like you are trying to add features that already exist as you can already move or nudge the dish and save or store the position. (See attached screencap.)



Where is the source for this particular screen shot.  I'm not using the same image. Is there a web link or place to download that particular python file.


Also, the reason i am working on this is because the 'Positioner Setup' does not automatically default to the Diseqc Store command # for the satellite your locked onto.  So, you have to know the diseqc memory position for the satellite and scroll to the right one.  I already made modifications to my Positioner Setup which does that, but i don't like that i have to choose the Tuner Device.  It would be nicer if it would just default to the Active tuner device.


That's why I am attempting to make my own plugin that is a basic  Nudge West / Nudge East / Store   -  And the store button already knows the Diseqc memory position so that i don't have to input that field.


The picture is the modification i made to the 'Positioner Setup'

Attached File  _tmp_1573328290798.png   49KB   2 downloads

Edited by LoveMyDish, 10 November 2019 - 19:03.

Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #6 LoveMyDish

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Posted 10 November 2019 - 19:09

ps el bandido , Titanium wanted me to contact you with the following message "Would you be willing to provide to El Bandido to include with the TNAP image?"  In the united states, many of us own big Cband dishes and have diseqc motors on them.  And to have to remember the store locations of 50+ satellites and to have to cycle through the position numbers one at a time, It drives one NUTS.  On the un-modified positioner setup, i would have to click the right button on the remote like 50+ times or more to get to my Diseqc store #.   The modification i made on the positioner setup allows me to nudge west/east and then with a srike of the blue button, sends the diseqc command to save the correct memory position of the currently locked TP/satellite automatically.

Edited by LoveMyDish, 10 November 2019 - 19:11.

Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #7 el bandido

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Posted 10 November 2019 - 19:24

I am using OpenPLi image, which is a good thing to do when discussing image problems here, as this is the OpenPLi forum. The positioner plugin features have pretty much been the same for years.
It sounds like the features you want already exist.

Positioner setup will display correctly the way you are trying to get it to display if you will open the Positioner setup plugin while viewing an active channel for the satellite you are wanting to adjust. It does not matter if it is c or ku band.

If you are on a terrestrial service or different satellite, then you will need to press the red remote button when entering Positioner setup, and change to the satellite you want to adjust. But again, everything is displayed correctly when you do this, without having to manually enter positions as you describe.

The above assumes that the positions are set correctly in antenna setup menu of the receiver before entering Positioner setup.

Any other modifications you can make would be great! But what you have mentioned so far seems to already exist.

Edited by el bandido, 10 November 2019 - 19:24.

Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #8 LoveMyDish

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Posted 10 November 2019 - 19:28

Okay, i would love to use OpenPli, i prefer it over what i have, but I was told OpenPli didn't support DreamBox.  I have a DM920.  As for on the dream-elite image, it defaults to store position #1.  It does NOT default to the correct position number.  And yes my settings are correct, because my dish moves fine to the different diseqc positions when i click my channels. 

Edited by LoveMyDish, 10 November 2019 - 19:28.

Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #9 WanWizard

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Posted 10 November 2019 - 19:44

but I was told OpenPli didn't support DreamBox.  I have a DM920.


No, Dream Multimedia doesn't support OpenPLi.

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Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

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Re: Plugin - Ability to retrieve NIB tuner configuration settings? #10 el bandido

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Posted 10 November 2019 - 20:05

Okay, i would love to use OpenPli, i prefer it over what i have, but I was told OpenPli didn't support DreamBox.  I have a DM920.  As for on the dream-elite image, it defaults to store position #1.  It does NOT default to the correct position number.  And yes my settings are correct, because my dish moves fine to the different diseqc positions when i click my channels. 

It will be hard to discuss this unless you are using an OpenPLi image.
All I can tell you is the features you want seem to already exist in OpenPLi without modifying anything.  I have 3 motorized dishes for both c and ku bands, and have used the Positioner setup for years.

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