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Release Openpli 8.1 available in the downl...

bloke76's Photo bloke76 16 Sep 2021

yes. from running timeshift into standby via remote


betacentauri's Photo betacentauri 16 Sep 2021

Do you use hdmi cec?
If you are using timeshift and you try to shutdown the receiver, then a message should appear which asks you whether you really want to shutdown.

b0rg's Photo b0rg 16 Sep 2021

If you use SLAAC for IPv6, the box needs rdnssd to pick up the IPv6 DNS being broadcasted, which isn't available at the moment.


I flashed OpenATV into the Zero again and indeed it's an IPv6 vs IPv4 DNS problem. That firmware picked up the v6 servers and that's the reason it works. I'ma go smash this router lol...


WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 18 Sep 2021

As of now, you can check the status of the different builds on our homepage.


420f00f3's Photo 420f00f3 19 Sep 2021



Just reading through this topic as I have run on my Vu+ ULTIMO 4K

opkg update

opkg upgrade
to keep it up to date, but looks like 8.0 can only be upgraded via flash to 8.1 (I should have come here earlier),

but I'm used to keep my Debian 11 up to date with apt update; apt upgrade ......so did not think it would be any different with enigma2 (that is my first linux sat box).


My internal 4TB HDD is gone (not showing) after running the update/upgrade few times (as the process went through few errors)

Brand & Model: Vu+ Ultimo4K
Chipset: 7444s
Main Memory: 1434632 kB free / 1617108 kB total
Box Uptime: 0:16
System OE: PLi-OE 
Firmware version: OpenPLi 8.1-release (2021-09-09-release-8.1) 
Kernel / Drivers: 3.14.28 / 20190424

I have tried:

opkg list-installed | while read f; do opkg install ${f%% *} --force-reinstall; done

but without any luck.

What is strange, that the drive does not show at all:

root@vuultimo4k:~# mount
/dev/mmcblk0p4 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,nodelalloc,data=journal)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=800236k,nr_inodes=86265,mode=755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /media type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=64k)
fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,mode=755)
tmpfs on /var/volatile type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,gid=5,mode=620)
nfsd on /proc/fs/nfsd type nfsd (rw,relatime)
root@vuultimo4k:~# uname -a
Linux vuultimo4k 3.14.28-1.12 #1 SMP Mon Jul 5 12:40:35 UTC 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux
root@vuultimo4k:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 3.5G    270.9M      3.2G   8% /
devtmpfs                781.5M      4.0K    781.5M   0% /dev
tmpfs                    64.0K         0     64.0K   0% /media
tmpfs                   789.6M    256.0K    789.4M   0% /run
tmpfs                   789.6M    116.0K    789.5M   0% /var/volatile
root@vuultimo4k:~# blkid
/dev/mmcblk0p4: UUID="57fxxxxx-abf4-6xxf-bfx7-9x6xxxxxx5b" TYPE="ext4"

My device is Vu+ Ultimo 4K:

root@vuultimo4k:~# cat /proc/stb/info/hwmodel
cat: can't open '/proc/stb/info/hwmodel': No such file or directory

root@vuultimo4k:~# cat /proc/stb/info/boxtype
cat: can't open '/proc/stb/info/boxtype': No such file or directory

root@vuultimo4k:~# cat /proc/stb/info/model

Is the HDD dead inside, or is it the upgrade?

Edited by 420f00f3, 19 September 2021 - 11:17.

Pr2's Photo Pr2 19 Sep 2021

You need to flash. Or read the full thread you will have the explanation why or there is a command to run to allow a proper opkg update.

WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 19 Sep 2021

but I'm used to keep my Debian 11 up to date with apt update; apt upgrade ......so did not think it would be any different with enigma2 (that is my first linux sat box).
Normally that is the case, but due to an issue with package versioning, this time it isn't. Also, opkg has a few shortcomings apt and rpm have not.
If the drive doesn't show, first port of call is the output of the dmesg command, directly after a boot of the box.

420f00f3's Photo 420f00f3 19 Sep 2021


but I'm used to keep my Debian 11 up to date with apt update; apt upgrade ......so did not think it would be any different with enigma2 (that is my first linux sat box).
Normally that is the case, but due to an issue with package versioning, this time it isn't. Also, opkg has a few shortcomings apt and rpm have not.
If the drive doesn't show, first port of call is the output of the dmesg command, directly after a boot of the box.


Sorry, should have thought of it

#dmesg log - /var/log/ - /var/volatile/log


420f00f3's Photo 420f00f3 19 Sep 2021

You need to flash. Or read the full thread you will have the explanation why or there is a command to run to allow a proper opkg update.

Are you refering to this command:

opkg list-installed | while read f; do opkg install ${f%% *} --force-reinstall; done



Pr2's Photo Pr2 19 Sep 2021



WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 19 Sep 2021

[   11.212985] ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
[   21.219984] ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
[   56.226984] ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
[   56.231877] ata1: limiting SATA link speed to 3.0 Gbps
[   61.399987] ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)
[   61.405055] ata1: reset failed, giving up

Disk of cable not properly connected?


420f00f3's Photo 420f00f3 19 Sep 2021

[   11.212985] ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
[   21.219984] ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
[   56.226984] ata1: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
[   56.231877] ata1: limiting SATA link speed to 3.0 Gbps
[   61.399987] ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)
[   61.405055] ata1: reset failed, giving up

Disk of cable not properly connected?



Looks like it's hardware (HDD) malfunction .... :(
It was only 0.4% full and nearly new ....

I will have to look inside when I get a chance.

Any advise on new drive?


WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 19 Sep 2021

It is more likely a cable or connector issue.


But if it is the disk, and it is new, you should be able to return and replace it under warranty.


patrikcoc's Photo patrikcoc 21 Sep 2021

Is this still not fixed? I was on the 0831 build, and when the 0918 build released it was showing 400+ updates and said "reflash recommended" (I reflashed with 0821...) so I did it again. Then booting the reflashed 0918 build, checking for updates and it was showing 100+.


I flashed the 0821 build of 8.1 on my Solo 4K, but it downloaded 113 updates after checking, is this normal?



Because the PR database got lost during a hardware crash when we were rebuilding the server farm, causing the ipk versions to be reset.


This means that if you do a software update, you might get a partial update (because some new versions are lower than they were in 8.0), and end up with a no longer working box.



WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 21 Sep 2021

What is fixed?


There is no link between "lots of packages to update" and "the PR database issue".


madiv's Photo madiv 21 Sep 2021


Looks like it's hardware (HDD) malfunction .... :(
It was only 0.4% full and nearly new ....

I will have to look inside when I get a chance.

Any advise on new drive?



In case you can get the HDD to respond (by using another cable/connector as WanWizard suggested,  ex connect the HDD to a PC) you may wish to check the smart of the drive.


You can do that on VU (or do similar on a computer) via:

- install the package on VU : opkg install smartmontools

- check drive : smartctl -a /dev/sda


Look especially at

- 'SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED' if it is written FAIL or similar hdd has a problem

- '196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0' : if not 0 drive had a problem but corrected them. If value keep increasing: drive has a problem
- '197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0' : if not 0 drive has some problem on some sectors (might still work)

- check if some lines are marked 'FAILING_NOW'.


- if all ok you can ask the drive to check itself: smartctl -t short /dev/sda

- then again smartctl -a /dev/sda and see lines after 'SMART Self-test log structure...'

Edited by madiv, 21 September 2021 - 18:32.

Icemen's Photo Icemen 21 Sep 2021

400 plus updates reflash recommended?
Is this an error? Dont want to update as it might get stuck in a loop?
On latest image.

WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 21 Sep 2021




And I suggest you wait with flashing, because there is another big one coming.


Icemen's Photo Icemen 21 Sep 2021

Not another one i just flashed to this one not so long ago

WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 21 Sep 2021

Yup, another one.


Flashing isn't a big issue, I sometimes do that ten or more times a day. Done in a few minutes.
