I just reviewed my notes regarding the time I designed the on line flashing and in this note I found that for foreign images I had the idea not to add for each image hardcoded a feed, but put it in one json feed. So every image offers their own json feed that also can include the images from other image builders and where also the differences in box names could be solved. So that what becomes in the feed is not done in enigma2.......
So when OpenPLi will offer OpenATV and Open VIX feeds then we can parse the feed from them on our 'servers' and offer a json list that includes them...
So basically having one feed, one alternative feed (for home building) should be sufficient....
Unless this adding filters to the code to select image builders yes/no can still be added in enigma2.... But having multiple feeds was something I never suggested and I think this is also not really a smart solution....
So I prefer to get rid of this:
("openATV", "https://images.mynonpublic.com/openatv/json/"),
("OpenBH", "https://images.openbh.net/json/"),
("Open Vision", "https://images.openvision.dedyn.io/json/"),
("OpenViX", "https://www.openvix.co.uk/json/"),
("OpenHDF", "https://flash.hdfreaks.cc/openhdf/json/"),
("TeamBlue", "https://images.teamblue.tech/json/"),
("Open8eIGHT", "http://openeight.de/json/"),
("OpenDROID", "https://opendroid.org/json/"),
("EGAMI", "https://image.egami-image.com/json/")
Edited by littlesat, 24 April 2023 - 09:48.