What I mean is that the 'website' from the images somehow parses the image list from the image builders.... and then 'adjust' the json file... instead of enigma2 letting parse multiple feeds....
Then also the differences of boxnames could be compensated... as the boxname is in the URL....(and the filename etc is from the image).
So let the image builder feed solve it... then also only one json needs to be read... The only thing what you can add in enigma2 is an 'image filter' that could filter out some images....
It is still not a good idea to have a feedlist from multiple images in the enigma2 code... hard-codes...
Alternativaly it is always better to have at least this
("openATV", "https://images.mynon.../openatv/json/"),
("OpenBH", "https://images.openbh.net/json/"),
("Open Vision", "https://images.openv...dedyn.io/json/"),
("OpenViX", "https://www.openvix.co.uk/json/"),
("OpenHDF", "https://flash.hdfrea.../openhdf/json/"),
("TeamBlue", "https://images.teamblue.tech/json/"),
("Open8eIGHT", "http://openeight.de/json/"),
("OpenDROID", "https://opendroid.org/json/"),
("EGAMI", "https://image.egami-image.com/json/")
in a config file... minimal! I think it is not done to have this hard-coded.
Edited by littlesat, 24 April 2023 - 10:33.