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Member Since 12 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active 31 Dec 2023 08:56

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In Topic: OpenOpera plugin in OpenPLi 6

21 February 2018 - 06:38

Service Info:

Attached File  Snap78a.png   161.76KB   1 downloads


ps. I have tried this HbbTV service on a Samsung TV. It works there.
And I tried the box on several German SAT channel. Red button is working well there.

In Topic: OpenOpera plugin in OpenPLi 6

19 February 2018 - 21:12

5 min. too big to upload :(




In Topic: OpenOpera plugin in OpenPLi 6

19 February 2018 - 18:28

Unfortunately I know nothing about AIT dump files (have I permit it somewhere?)
There are only two 0 length files
in /tmp.

Hungarian MinDigTV (DVB-T) channels.
Using red button the following entry is created in a /usr/local/OpenOpera/home/global.dat:
404 Not Found

In case of YouTube video:
HETI Tv - YouTube

In case of
<a href="file:///hdd/video/Amerikabol jottem.avi" > avi </a>
nothing, because OpenOpera dies.

In Topic: after upgrade OpenPLi4 AV and Skin setup crash

14 August 2017 - 06:51



After the second upgrade the tuner configuration has changed.

After restoring the original settings, everything works fine.

In Topic: after upgrade OpenPLi4 AV and Skin setup crash

13 August 2017 - 15:01

OpenPLI upgrade has an extremely strange behavior.


After the first upgrade I tried a second. I thought it will affirm that I use the latest version of PLI 4. But it came out that it is " a not checked beta version", and it founded two other upgrades.

I made the new upgrades. 

Now AV setup and Skin setup work, but all DVB-C  and DVB-T channels are "Tune failed" - these worked after the first upgrade.

DVB-S channels work well.