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Member Since 12 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active 31 Dec 2023 08:56

Topics I've Started

OpenOpera plugin in OpenPLi 6

19 February 2018 - 14:26

Mut@nt hd2400, OpenPLi 6.1 and OpenOpera browser, which has the problem, that it does not play any video.
Not a simple <a href=" .avi" > . And it dies also. After clicking to such an item, only the interface is works,
but it does not display any kind of page furthermore.
It is a bit "better" with the built-in object (e.g. YouTube): the black box is coming, but nothing more ...
but at least it does not die.

How can I play videos in OpenOpera? It must go somehow, az it works from HbbTV.
But this has the problem, that the red button starts OpenOpera with

"http://hbbtv-as.conn...ncher/index.phpindex.php", meanwhile the right url is

after upgrade OpenPLi4 AV and Skin setup crash

13 August 2017 - 13:39

On AX Quadbox HD2400 (Mut@nt HD2400) after upgrade OpenPLi to

System OE:     PLi-OE
Firmware version:     OpenPLi 4 (2015-10-05)
Kernel / Drivers:     4.10.12 / 4.10.12+20170427-r0.0 

entering the mentioned system setup menu-entries causes a crash.


Attached File  enigma2_crash_1502623197 (skin).log   17KB   4 downloads

Attached File  enigma2_crash_1502625658 (AV).log   17KB   4 downloads