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Member Since 21 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active 24 Feb 2016 14:09

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In Topic: Missing Free To Air channels openpli

22 February 2016 - 21:05



I think I have resolved it. I got the Wetek openpli to pick up the free to air channels. It took a bit of time to edit the file but it worked


In case someone else has the same problem, this is how I did it:

1. Took the individual transponder information from Lyngsat and my aging FTA receiver. Made a copy of the original /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml  file for backup. Then proceeded to amend the satellites.xml file in /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml


2. With the information from 1 above and inserted a "new" satellite with the same directional reference as the Intelsat 20 (that did not scan all the channels properly) but ensured it had a different positional indicator in the satellites.xml file. In this case I just created a Ku band section with the relevant transponders frequencies


3. Then saved the /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml file and rebooted


4. Adjusted the tuner configuration under setup. Checked the signal finder under setup. Did an automated scan.


Still require some refinement but at least it works.


Thanks for all the help provided.

In Topic: Missing Free To Air channels openpli

21 February 2016 - 18:34

No.. In OpenPli everything is done via the Tuner Configuration..


Hi Goldeneye


Thanks for replies to date.


I have taken some time and looked at the tuner configuration. I get signal - via "Signal Finder" on the satellite. However when I play around with it on "Signal Finder" by changing
Transponder" I find that I find signal

- from 10970 / H / 30000 FEC5/6

- up to 11674 /V / 30000 FEC2/3 - the "Lock" is ticked on the "Signal Finder"


But from 12522 / V/ 27500 FEC 3/4 and upwards there is no signal and the "Lock" tickmark disappears. This is strange to me as the old FTA satellite picks up frequencies from 12522 and beyond


I noticed the following

- from Lyngsat for the Intelsat 20 the free to air channels I am looking for frequencies are between 12522 and 12722 on DVB-S

- the conflicting information on Intelsat coverage map for the satellite says the download frequency is between 12.25 and 12.75 mhz

- yet the DVB-S2 tuner just picks up the frequencies between 10970 and 11674 with the encrypted channels and 2 free to air channels


Also read up on the specs of the DVB-S2 on wikipedia and the DVB website with specs for DVB-S2 it indicates that it is DVB-S compatible.


Advice from you or anyone would really be appreciated!



In Topic: Missing Free To Air channels openpli

21 February 2016 - 14:11

That's really weird. The tuner should scan all known frequencies from the given satellite. Since it does scan the encrypted channels it means satellite allignment is OK. You may have to check the tuner and LNB settings. Fat chance a setting is wrong preventing f.i. Switching from Low to High band or Vertical/Horizontal switch-over


Yes I find it very weird as well. I have tried doing manual scanning with changes in the settings to scan on the frequencies where I expect the free to air channels to be but no luck. Any parameters what I can amend from the command line / text editor to test if it makes a difference?