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Member Since 3 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active 19 Dec 2024 23:04

#1629061 Weather Plugin

Posted by pzanone on 29 June 2024 - 21:40


Ich hab's am laufen mit 'openpli-develop 9'. Installieren geht nicht,da hat Mozart recht.

Deshalb hab ich das'.ipk' mit sevenzip geöffnet und den Ordner 'WeatherPlugin' rauskopiert und

auf die Box nach '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions' kopiert. Den originale Ordner

'WeatherPlugin' hatte ich zuvor gesichert und dann gelöscht.

Nach dem verschieben von 'WeatherPlugin' noch einen gui-Neustart.


I have it running with 'openpli-develop 9'. Installing is not possible, Mozart is right about that.
So I opened the '.ipk' with sevenzip and copied the 'WeatherPlugin' folder out and
copied it to '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions' on the box. I had previously backed up the original 'WeatherPlugin' folder and then deleted it.
After moving 'WeatherPlugin' I restarted the GUI.




opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-weatherplugin_2.1_all.ipk

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#1628965 Weather Plugin

Posted by pzanone on 29 June 2024 - 13:04







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#1292218 CCcam info v1.4z for PLi

Posted by pzanone on 27 December 2020 - 17:33

This Version 1.4z - 20201225 is updated with:


  • personal screen with icons in folder plugin by mMark
  • tested on PLi 8.0 rc
  • minor fix and py3 compatible(not tested on all box)

if you like it I leave it here to insert it in your feed otherwise users can test it

Try and report if work




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#995857 ZGEMMA H9 COMBO S2X / T2 4K

Posted by pzanone on 8 January 2019 - 11:53

Attached ipk rc3 for test



Thank's all for fun  :)





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#994481 ZGEMMA H9 COMBO S2X / T2 4K

Posted by pzanone on 6 January 2019 - 10:44

Ok.. test Ok from other friends


-removed script in folder : /usr/script/*

-other options







Ipk r2.. bye bye

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#994237 ZGEMMA H9 COMBO S2X / T2 4K

Posted by pzanone on 5 January 2019 - 17:50

I think my friend's problem is "rsync"


opkg update rsync

In the meantime I had done a version with integrated scripts



#889927 Translations for Enigma 2: Please post them here!

Posted by pzanone on 22 May 2018 - 12:56


I think it can be fine


Thanks, if you use Notepad++ please search for:


#, fuzzy
Then check the translation below:
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow unsupported modes"
msgstr "Non supportato"
When you are done with the translation please delete the #, fuzzy in the file.
So we will have a fully translated it file.
There are still 22 fuzzy strings to check.




let's try this way


Attached Files

  • Attached File  it.zip   75.66KB   3 downloads

#889885 Translations for Enigma 2: Please post them here!

Posted by pzanone on 22 May 2018 - 11:29



In the POT file, I found this
msgctxt "Satellite configuration mode"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "Video output mode"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr ""
My question has ripened (more precisely curiosity) why translate one word twice?



When you have msgctxt it is the context of the msgid that follow, since some words can be context sensitive, it can happens that the same strings is repeated several times in a .POT file and perhaps that the translation will be different according to context.


The msgctxt is not a string to be translated only the msgid is. So the msgctxt is displayed when you use tools like PoEdit to represent in which context the msgid is displayed.



and then poedit recognizes the duplicates and signals them, it can also be an extra space and then the program goes on ..



#871924 PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080

Posted by pzanone on 16 April 2018 - 19:18


Zgemma H5

PLI Branch develop 6.2 rc

ADD Peer sh1=sh1.local:8001
ADD Peer sh1=sh1.local:8001
[eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux
[eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/MountManager/plugin.py", line 214, in updateList2
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/MountManager/plugin.py", line 148, in selectionChanged
    for line in self.sel:
TypeError: 'bool' object is not iterable


#845618 NEW* Enigma2 1080 Skin Converter by KiddaC

Posted by pzanone on 16 February 2018 - 16:11

Enigma2 1080 Skin Converter (Version 1.02)




Welcome to my Enigma2 skin converter.
This is my first attempt at automating the process of converting enigma2 skins between different sizes.


Please note, although this program attempts to automate the process as much as possible, some manually tweaks will always be needed.

Also if upsizing a skin, the graphics are naturally going to look softer and less sharp. Recreate them higher res or ask the skin author. 1f643.png


How to use.


Install a skin of your choice on your box then via ftp or samba download the skin folder to your computer.


Select an input folder. Select an optional output folder. Press the convert button of your choice. Note that if you select the same input and output folder this will overwrite all the files, so make sure you are working on a backup folder if this is the case.


You can manually select which elements you want to convert, but unless your are testing the functionality of the program, it is highly recommended to keep everything selected.


There is a test checkbox bottom right, that will fill all the converted values to "00000". This makes it easy to see what elements will actually be changed before you do your proper conversion.

On selecting this test option the program will display an error after the conversion as no valid skin size will be found. This is expected behaviour.


The program works by looking in skin.xml for the vres value to determine the size of the skin. If this cannot be found then it will ask you to manually select the size of the skin to work with. This means you can convert non standard skin folders that might not live in the same root folder. For example Vix Common folders.

On manually selecting a size, after the conversion it will again ask you to input the size. (as it reloads the skin when finished) This second message request will be the size after you converted it.


Finally upload the contents of your converted folder back to your box.




This is the first release of this program, so there may be minor bugs and the functionailty could probably be tweaked. Let me know if you find any bugs or strange behaviour.


For some reason this program seems to trigger Anti Virus programs. I can guarantee 100% there is no virus in it. So just click on accept program in your antivrus if it flags it up. You can test it here for peace of mind here. https://www.virustotal.com


Also note that this program cannot resize elements that are sized in python components or for skins that are built via plugins or scripts.




Not bad for a 1 week project 1f609.png


Version 1.01

Fixed center, start, end position offsets.

Fixed Clock/Record/Zap icons on EPGs.


Version 1.02

Added in corrupt PNG message.

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#845588 IMDb

Posted by pzanone on 16 February 2018 - 14:59

I thought to change the skin to 1280x720,


I saw that it is in your feeds but you see too small

eventually you can also put fhd




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