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Member Since 11 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active 20 Jul 2017 22:29

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Timer triggered wakeup wrong startup channel

19 June 2016 - 11:26

Hi all,


I have a VU+ solo2 with the image - OpenPLi-4.0-beta-vusolo2-20160616 & CCcam230. When setting timer on a channel's epg, for example with setting of timer type zap, repeat type once, date and time ..., wakeup receiver for start timer always, set end time no, enable timer conflict detection yes, channel ..., if receiver is on standby at the time when the timer triggers, the receiver starts but not on the wanted channel, but on the default startup channel. What's wrong?

PIP problem

18 June 2016 - 14:16

Dear Openpli community,


I have a VU+ solo2 with the latest image - OpenPLi-4.0-beta-vusolo2-20160616 & CCcam221, with one lnb going into tuner1 (astra19.2) and another lnb going into tuner 2 (intelsat0,8). Tuner setup as "simple", no diseqc's used, no common coax used.


When I want to watch PIP (of course channels from different satellites), following things happen:


- when I choose channels from the same sat, "no free tuner" appears (it's logic, I don't do this usually but I wrote it only to explain that I understand that I cannot have two channels from the same tuner)

- in most of the cases, the second tuned channel is only showing a black window. Nothing more

- in 25% of the cases, both channels show, but when I change the channel (either the main or the small window), the new channel has sound but the image remains black. No matter how many channels I change, all new channels remain black.


Is it a known bug of openpli or have I done any wrong setup? What can be done to solve this problem?


I have been told to change LNB's, to have double-client LNB's and two diseqc's, but this would only give me the possibility to make PIP even for combinations satA/satA or satB/satB, not limited like now satA/satB. I don't think this is the problem, PIP should work fine for combinations satA/satB with this config I have now.


Thank you in advance for your response and maybe solution!