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#477342 Flashexpander

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 22 februari 2015 - 00:12

solution: "nobody should be so stupid to buy DMM hardware, forced by people like gutemine. You can buy better hardware for a lower price with better image support". 


I personal really dont care who is paying who. But I know one thing for sure this guy isnt using his coding talents in a right way.

Everything he produces is timebombed or contains sneaky hidden payload code: sooner or later you will regret but most dumb users will never know!

If you take the effort to research him like I did you will find several sites that are warning not to use the fruits of his bad attitude.


So I hope anyone reading this will pass the warning on. Stop using his code, the dark side of it isnt worth risking the usefull part.

If you stumble upon him in forums or whatever reply that his code and attitude stinks and you got this warning from "TheParasol"


Dont mention openpli since I'm just a fellow forum member like most here.

#475603 OpenVPN

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 14 februari 2015 - 21:14

Ik heb al meermaals de situatie meegemaakt dat een basisschool die in buitengebied zit en die door een brakke ADSL connectie tegenwoordig voor extra bandbreedte tot dure internet via de schotel veroordeeld is geen npo meer kan streamen naar de digiborden.

Reden: ip geolocked... onterecht feitelijk maar door de in het buitenland gesitueerde uplinkstation met ditto buitenlands ip ontkomen ze daar niet aan.

Feitelijk moet er voor een ieder die met een geolock te maken zou kunnen krijgen een escape mogelijk zijn waarbij je een gebruikersnaam/password kunt invullen zodat je kunt authenticeren en dat je dus belasting afdraagt aan de nederlandse staat en dus recht hebt op de NPO stream.

#475586 GStreamer 1.0

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 14 februari 2015 - 20:31

But since the "auto gstreamer version" selection we dont have the need to provide all boxes with gstreamer 1.x support before it can be added to the master repository.

So in my opinion boxes where support of gstreamer 1.x is tested ok gstreamer 1.x can be set so it will appear in the nightly builds.

That will give other manufacturers some more "signals" to do some additional work to get gstreamer 1.x supported too.


No manufacturer that cares about its boxes wants the situation that customers tell them: no I dont buy your fancy box since others already support gst1 and yours doesnt. ;)

#475233 Seit dem heutigen Update geht Oscam nicht mehr!

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 12 februari 2015 - 17:59

Wir haben uns vor einige Monate entschlossen um 'nichts' i.b.z Oscam hier zu besprechen. Und bestimmt nicht wenn in sich handelt über Konfigurationen. Dazu ist Streamboard besser geeignet. Wenn einer Probleme hat, und scheinbar ist es nur einer, dann bitte bespricht dies via PM wenn es in Detail über bestimmte Konfigurationen geht.

Ich nehme an ihr habt Verständnis dafür.


Bye Yiruma, see you in streamboard and replace mhz = 1 for mhz =500 !!!

#475176 Seit dem heutigen Update geht Oscam nicht mehr!

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 12 februari 2015 - 12:16

mhz = 1


= wrong!


change it into



#473107 GStreamer 1.0

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 1 februari 2015 - 00:29

Retested it again after fresh build for my xp1000... works!


Bijgevoegde Bestanden

#472600 GStreamer 1.0

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 29 januari 2015 - 13:28

Ok, ik heb inmiddels een xp1000 image weten te brouwen, na wat hickups die ik gelukkig zelf dan wel met meer ervaren gebruikers hier heb kunnen resolven.


Het recept voor anderen met een xp1000 die dit ook willen doen:


Ik gebruik virtualbox (freeware van oracle) met een ergens gedownloade kant en klaar image van ubuntu 14.04 server voor virtualbox (scheelt gewoon tijd)


Log niet in als root!


mkdir openpli4
cd openpli4
sudo apt install git
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/openpli/openpli-oe-core openpli-openpli-oe-core
cd openpli-openpli-oe-core/
git checkout gst-1
sudo apt install diffstat
sudo apt install chrpath
sudo apt install texinfo
sudo apt install zip
sudo apt install subversion
git apply gst1_xp1000.patch
MACHINE=xp1000 make image


inhoud additionele "gst1_xp1000.patch" die nodig is tov gst-1 branch (situatie per 29-01-2015):


diff --git a/meta-openpli/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.4.%.bbappend b/meta-openpli/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.4.
index 67fedac..f73d38a 100644
--- a/meta-openpli/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.4.%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-openpli/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.4.%.bbappend
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-DEPENDS += "librtmp libdca"
-EXTRA_OECONF := "${@bb.data.getVar('EXTRA_OECONF',d,1).replace('--disable-rtmp', '--enable-rtmp --enable-mpegdemux').replace('--disable-dts', '--enable-dts')}"
-PACKAGECONFIG += "faac faad libmms hls dash smoothstreaming webp"
+DEPENDS += "libdca"
+EXTRA_OECONF := "${@bb.data.getVar('EXTRA_OECONF',d,1).replace('--disable-dts', '--enable-dts --enable-mpegdemux')}"
+PACKAGECONFIG += "faac faad libmms hls dash smoothstreaming webp rtmp"
 SRC_URI += "file://0001-rtmp-fix-seeking-and-potential-segfault.patch"

 # Do not strip binary
diff --git a/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugins.bb b/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugins.bb
index d02d5c5..1f054e9 100644
--- a/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugins.bb
+++ b/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugins.bb
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = " \
        --without-debug \
+       ${@base_contains("GST_VERSION", "1.0", "--with-gstversion=1.0", "", d)} \
        ${@base_contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "tpm", "--with-tpm" , "", d)} \

diff --git a/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2/enigma2.bb b/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2/enigma2.bb
index 535252f..71f1924 100644
--- a/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2/enigma2.bb
+++ b/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2/enigma2.bb
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ RDEPENDS_${PN} = " \

+       ca-certificates \
        enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd \
        ${@base_contains("GST_VERSION", "1.0", "gstreamer1.0-plugin-subsink", "gst-plugin-subsink", d)} \
        glib-networking \
diff --git a/meta-xp/conf/machine/include/xp.inc b/meta-xp/conf/machine/include/xp.inc
index 377a3b7..6697a8b 100644
--- a/meta-xp/conf/machine/include/xp.inc
+++ b/meta-xp/conf/machine/include/xp.inc

-       gst-plugin-dvbmediasink \
+       gstreamer1.0-plugin-dvbmediasink \
        ntfs-3g \

 CHIPSET = "bcm7358"

 DVBMEDIASINK_CONFIG = "--with-wma --with-wmv --with-pcm --with-dts --with-eac3"
+GST_VERSION = "1.0"

 TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
 DEFAULTTUNE ?= "mips32el"


Vanavond gaan we het baksel proberen :)

#471998 GStreamer 1.0

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 25 januari 2015 - 20:11

Ok... building a xp1000 image again :)


Takes some time... hoping my new machine was some faster with i5 and ssd... it is faster but still slow ;)



dont use root!


mkdir openpli4
cd openpli4
sudo apt install git
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/openpli/openpli-oe-core openpli-openpli-oe-core
cd openpli-openpli-oe-core/
git checkout gst-1
sudo apt install diffstat
sudo apt install chrpath
sudo apt install texinfo
MACHINE=xp1000 make image

#471799 EPGImport mod

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 24 januari 2015 - 19:10

This is all hobby there is no time table so things come as it goes. Sometimes it can be done quickly another time it takes a while.

But look at the bright side. There is already work in progress and I believe with Milo's skilled coding and commitment you should just have some patience and things will start to work better than ever before.

Once the slow bits and pieces part is done he will sure drop a celebration message on the forum that isnt chinese to you ;)

#471732 Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 24 januari 2015 - 14:52

Which version of oscam-ymod is recommended to install  for use with a dm800se and openpli4 for clearing BBC on 27.w


Now you can use oscam rev 10284 or newer too instead of ymod of whatever obscure closed source bin




Perhaps openpli team can give oscam rev a bump to latest rev so you can actually use the oscam rev out of their openpli feeds


my oscam.server

label                         = const
description                   = constantcw
protocol                      = constcw
device                        = /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.constcw
group                         = 1

file oscam.constcw: (keys are bugus as usual!)

2600:000000:4484:19C8:1FFF:: 11 22 33 00 44 55 66 FF 11 22 33 00 44 55 66 FF
2600:000000:10E0:0844:1FFF:: 11 22 33 00 44 55 66 FF 11 22 33 00 44 55 66 FF

my A lines in oscam.dvbapi (first one with 10e0 is just a testline to assist a user to get things running, it adds a fake ecmpid to BVN on astra 19.2)

A:::10E0:0844::: 2600:000000:1FFF
A:::4484:19C8::: 2600:000000:1FFF


2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s >> OSCam <<  cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r10284 (mipsel-tuxbox-linux-gnu)
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) System name    = Linux
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) Host name      = xp1000
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) Release        = 3.12.1
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) Version        = #1 Thu Jan 1 06:51:38 CET 2015
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) Machine        = mips
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) Stb model      = dm800se
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) Stb boxtype    = xp1000
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) creating pidfile /tmp/oscam.pid with pid 20938
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s   (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 1 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s   (config) userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) signal handling initialized
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s   (config) 3924 service-id's loaded in 58 ms
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s   (config) WARNING: You risk high CPU load and high ECM times with more than 2000 service-id's!
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s   (config) HINT: --> use optimized lists from http://www.streamboard.tv/wiki/Srvid
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s   (config) 809 provid's loaded
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s   (reader) const [constcw] creating thread for device /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.constcw
2015/01/24 14:08:21   56A040 p  (constcw) Local reader: const (file: /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.constcw)
2015/01/24 14:08:21        0 s     (main) waiting for local card init
2015/01/24 14:08:21   56A040 p   (reader) const [constcw] proxy initialized, server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.constcw:0
2015/01/24 14:08:22 77700468 h    (webif) webif: decompressed 157531 bytes back into 372544 bytes
2015/01/24 14:08:22 77700468 h    (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8081
2015/01/24 14:08:22        0 s     (main) init for all local cards done
2015/01/24 14:08:22        0 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (lokaal, au=auto (8 reader))
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache loaded from /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.ccache
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) PMT6: Trying connect to enigma CA PMT listen socket...
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) PMT6 CA PMT Server connected on fd 11!
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 added new ecmpid #0 CAID: 2600 ECM_PID: 1FFF PROVID: 000000
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 added stream to ecmpid #0 CAID: 2600 ECM_PID: 1FFF PROVID: 000000
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 added stream to ecmpid #0 CAID: 2600 ECM_PID: 1FFF PROVID: 000000
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 found 1 ECMpids and 2 STREAMpids in PMT
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 receiver wants to demux srvid 10E0 on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0844
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 new program number: 10E0 (2600:10E0 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 found channel in cache and matching prio -> start descrambling ecmpid #0
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c   (dvbapi) Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #0 CAID 2600 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1FFF ANY CHID PMTPID 0844 VPID 020D
2015/01/24 14:08:22   56A040 p  (constcw) Searching CW for CAID 2600 PROVID 000000 SRVID 10E0 ECMPID 1FFF PMTPID 0844 VPID 020D
2015/01/24 14:08:22   56A040 p  (constcw) Entry found: 2600:000000:10E0:0844:1FFF:0000:11 22 33 00 44 55 66 FF 11 22 33 00 44 55 66 FF
2015/01/24 14:08:22   5FAEF8 c      (ecm) lokaal (2600&000000/0000/1FFF/10E0/0B:2F3C74E40F3919B8B83D6231858135AF:11223366445566FF11223366445566FF): found (23 ms) by const

----> Make sure you reset the loadbalance stats, channel can get blocked for long time due to previous experimenting....

#469340 Teletext subtitles - missing spaces

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 12 januari 2015 - 20:44

My 2 cents:


Since my hearing is most of the time bad I have enable subtitling on English channels.

I prefer reformatted subtitles on a single line in a rather small font. It gives me just enough clues to understand what is being said so I can enjoy the program.

Anyway, for my usage I dont care about breakage on purpose of the original subtitling.

Its even better if its all on one long line not interferring with the moving picture and small enough in a way it isnt drawing attention since my wife happens to have a superb hearing :)

#463238 Error in InputDeviceSetup

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 21 december 2014 - 15:33


#459064 Wordt de softcam Oscam auto-update via nightly build ?

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 2 december 2014 - 23:46

Hopelijk werkt het nu weer maar iemand van openpli moet nog ff oscam een schopje geven naar rev 10068....


En autoupdate elke nacht:


das echt niet aan te raden, wat voor openpli image geldt gaat ook op voor oscam: werkt het voor jou ok? updaten niet aanbevolen!

Af en toe de timeline bijhouden en als je een boeiende aanpassing ziet kun je eens testen of het doet wat het beloofd!

#455561 Really BIG upgrade tomorrow

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 16 november 2014 - 20:47

Strange... it healed itself?!


root@xp1000:~# opkg update
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/3rd-party/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-3rd-party.
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/3rd-party-xp1000/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-3rd-party-xp1000.
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/all/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-all.
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/mips32el/Packages.gz                                                                                        .
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-mips32el.
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/xp1000/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-xp1000.
root@xp1000:~# opkg upgrade
Upgrading enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd from 0.1+git671+dade6f0-r1 to 0.1+git673+88ae0a7-r1 on root.
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/all/enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd_0.1+git673+88ae0a7-r1_all.ipk.
Upgrading enigma2 from 2.7+git12208+1333a32-r49 to 2.7+git12209+6e4612f-r49 on root.
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/xp1000/enigma2_2.7+git12209+6e4612f-r49_xp1000.ipk.
Installing libgif4 (4.1.6-r3) on root.
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/openpli-4/mips32el/libgif4_4.1.6-r3_mips32el.ipk.
libungif4 was autoinstalled and is now orphaned, removing.
Removing package libungif4 from root...
Configuring libgif4.
Configuring enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd.
Configuring enigma2.

#455284 Really BIG upgrade tomorrow

Geplaatst door theparasol aan 15 november 2014 - 21:44

By updating my Vu+ Ultimo i get following error-message:


If you ask me fresh flashing isnt advicable but is even mandatory!