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Member Since 23 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active 12 Feb 2021 12:56

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In Topic: Info bar randomly appearing

28 October 2020 - 23:51

The connection I was suspicious about seems to be legit (I disabled VPN and Ddns on the router, rebooted and it's still there). That's reassuring.
Regarding the hint for the info bar (my original issue), I've changed that setting now and will keep an eye but I am not sure that's the reason for the random display of the infobar: it's happened in the middle of a program. I don't understand what you mean when you said "when the text changes", shouldn't that happen when a program changes only?
If anyone else has any other ideas, you are more than welcome to chime in.
Many thanks so far to @WanWizard and @littlesat!

In Topic: Info bar randomly appearing

28 October 2020 - 22:40

I just run the command, see attached screenshot. The second entry is the connection from my Android phone but the first one looks very much the culprit. Can someone validate it?
If that is correct, I wonder how they can connect, I set the vpn on the router with certificates and also set http connections with password too.
It'd be great if someone created articles on how to tighten security with steps and screenshot, although it would prove very difficult to cover all scenarios.

In Topic: GUI Skins crashes

14 September 2020 - 17:11

Yes, I saw that in https://forums.openp...ailable/page-16, run the commands rather than waiting for the build and it worked as expected. Many thanks both!