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Member Since 23 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active 12 Feb 2021 12:56

Topics I've Started

Info bar randomly appearing

28 October 2020 - 20:16

I have Openpli 7.3 on Vu+ Duo2 and have noticed recently the info bar appears randomly and closes in 5 seconds. I think this has started to happen since I configured VPN (on router, not on the box) and tinkered with the different settings for authentication/http/etc but I cannot say for sure. Because of this I always check to see if someone is connected to my box and I can't see anyone ( it is unlikely anyway, given there is no port forwarding and attackers would need certs). Any ideas anyone?

GUI Skins crashes

14 September 2020 - 10:29


I recently updated my VU+ Duo2 to OpenPli 7.3. I had some issues installaing new packages because some core packages were not installed/wrongly installed (attr-dev, linux-libc-headers-dev, libc6-dev, acl-dev and libpopt-dev) but after backing up and flashing again, those problems went away.

However, even though I can download packages and they seem to install correctly, when going to Menu > Setup > System > GUI Settings > GUI Skins, the system crashes with the traditional green screen and a log gets get generated (please, see attached).

Any help is very much appreciated.