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Member Since 24 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active 03 Aug 2014 09:25

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In Topic: Cool TV Guide V5.6.2 by Coolman

24 June 2012 - 15:52

Hi HPPli,

i don't ask about attentions !

and i know, that this have nothing to do with PLI...

but i want, that the people understand, why it's closed....

OK, the good News:

Cool TV Guide is in Beta...

and when no Beta tester find a Bug...

then is not far for V6 :)

In Topic: Cool TV Guide V5.6.2 by Coolman

24 June 2012 - 12:17

Hi mirakels,

"I tried to find some more info in this vix epg but can't find anything specific So I guess they dropped it or made it invisible (or I did not look hard enough)."

so you not look really long...

in every image from VIX you will find ViX EPG, ViX QuickEPG, ViX Single EPG....

at the beginning they wrote many thanks for Coolman code...

and now ? yessss i know... they have "forget" ;)

In Topic: Cool TV Guide V5.6.2 by Coolman

23 June 2012 - 20:44

I'm not complaining and I'm not against this epg plugin.
I just like to point out that making it open source (maybe it is but I cannot find any statement about it) would be even better.
You see what happened to OpenPli or to OpenWebif! The same can happen for cool tv guide.
Compare that with what is happening with DMM itself closing their code....

OpenPli is about open source software for your STB. So we will embrace others that open up their source. Everybody is welcome to do so.

Hi mirakels,

Cool TV Guide will never go open...

and if you remember the past, then you understand why !

at the beginning from Cool TV Guide comes a member from VIX and told me to help...
i think you know him, its Andy...
so he help me about 2 weeks...
so long till he had the full source in his hand...
after then, i heard nothing more from him !

around 2-3 weeks later oh wonder, a "new" EPG from VIX come out VIX EPG !
they steal me the full source and rename it for VIX !

and thats not all...

at their forum they told to the user, that the VIX EPG is soooo a lot of better and quicker then the Cool TV Guide
and Coolman is a bad coder....

so mirakels tell me,

where you find at VIX EPGs that the sourcecode is from me ?

VIX EPGs = a little, now old Version from Cool TV Guide !!!

and this fact i can verify you !

at this point i told to me...
either i make nothing more...
or i closed all

so now you know why Cool TV Guide is closed and have a Copyright

In Topic: Cool TV Guide V5.6.2 by Coolman

3 June 2012 - 00:58

Hi Coolman,

here is the actual SK translation for the v5.7 which you posted some posts earlier here :-)




Thank You,

i think a lot of user will be happy with :)

and a new Version for PLI 3.0 will come...

but i think we need 2-4 weeks for it...

because, we had no beta before, and now we must upgrade all plugins at the same time like EMC, CoolTVGuide and else...

and also a new Guide will come too... Cool Channel Guide

i think you will like it too :)

In Topic: Cool TV Guide V5.6.2 by Coolman

31 May 2012 - 20:47


Here is the full error message that we got on Openpli 3.0 when entenring the Plugins menu:


Pli 3.0 have a new Python

and thats why this error comes...

but i test the new 3.0 too, and Pli make a really good work..

the image is quick and a lot of better then i thaught :)

so you can be shure, that i make a new Version special for the PLI image 3.0 !

but this need some time...