Dear Dimitrij ..
Behavior of keys for use ( only TEXT/ HELP ) .... every time you want to use the help button, you must disable the plugin
It is better to have these options separate like this :
["none", _("standard < >"), ["KEY_RESERVED", "KEY_RESERVED"]],
["LeftRight", _("only LEFT/RIGHT"), ["KEY_LEFT", "KEY_RIGHT"]],
["Text", _("only TEXT"), ["KEY_TEXT"]],
["Help", _("only HELP"), ["KEY_HELP"]],
["Bouquet", _("only CH+/-,B+/-,P+/-"), ["KEY_CHANNELUP", "KEY_CHANNELDOWN"]],
["Back", _("only key BACK"), ["KEY_BACK"], ["KEY_BACK"]],
the text button no one uses it now, but the help button is still used by many