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Member Since 19 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active 30 Aug 2024 14:54

Posts I've Made

In Topic: History Zap Selector

30 August 2024 - 14:49

Dear Dimitrij ..

Behavior of keys for use ( only TEXT/ HELP )  .... every time you want to use the help button, you must disable the plugin

It is better to have these options separate like this :

    ["none", _("standard <  >"), ["KEY_RESERVED", "KEY_RESERVED"]],
    ["LeftRight", _("only LEFT/RIGHT"), ["KEY_LEFT", "KEY_RIGHT"]],
    ["Text", _("only TEXT"), ["KEY_TEXT"]],
    ["Help", _("only HELP"), ["KEY_HELP"]],
    ["Bouquet", _("only CH+/-,B+/-,P+/-"), ["KEY_CHANNELUP", "KEY_CHANNELDOWN"]],
    ["Back", _("only key BACK"), ["KEY_BACK"], ["KEY_BACK"]],


 the text button no one uses it now, but the help button is still used by many


In Topic: opportunity to update oscam ?

14 July 2024 - 12:29

Fixed .... after today's updates

oscam emu 11805-802 .. works very well here

WanWizard ..  thank you friend

In Topic: deleting trash

13 July 2024 - 20:28

This is what i mean because Enigma will delete the recorded files from the trash after of days configured. therefore, if you look at the free space of the hard disk after deleting the recorded files from the hard disk and from the trash, you will find that it has not changed until you do an Enigma restart or a restart of the box .
This is what happened to brentener... He deleted the recorded files from the hard disk and from the trash, and when he looked at the free space in the hard disk... he found that it was the same size as before ... it had not changed.

In Topic: deleting trash

13 July 2024 - 19:51

if you want to get free memory ( space on your hdd)

step 1-delete movie-step 2-empty trasch- step 3-restart enigma2) after restart enigma2 you will have free space on your harddisk

the most important is to restart enigma2 after step1 and 2

In Topic: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin

13 July 2024 - 17:27

As i told you, I am trying to adapt some of skins to the openpli image so that it works wellI , i had this problem when i start adapting them
Because the skin does not show the SD icon, it only shows 16:9 or 4:3, and this does not confirm that the transmission is SD, because all HD channels are 16:9
Finally, it works and the SD icon appears ,  these pictures are for two skins that i have been adapted and soon i will finish all of them


        <widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="YouViX-Common/icons/sd576.png" position="823,962" size="111,75" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend">
    <convert type="ServiceInfo">IsSD</convert>
            <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />