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Member Since 12 Apr 2005
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#780401 file .so for enigam2

Posted by mirakels on 11 October 2017 - 21:34

if your objective is 'learning' then why take the detour via an engima2 box?

Why not just develop an .so for your developper machine (assuming you use a linux machine) and play around with that. 

And when you have questions about how to decompile,  obfuscate code, hide code you're better of on programming forums.

Here we work on improving the user experience for satellite receivers with open source in mind. So everyone here should not be eager to invest time in creating binary only stuff. 

#665049 merge requests for PLi's git

Posted by mirakels on 8 February 2017 - 23:21

Yes, I plead guilty (but in my defence, no of the other people in the team did so ;)


This indeed is a bit of a weird thing.  We should somehow automate this so it is done regularly (or even on every change...)


so guess what.... I rebuild the po files and pushed them!


Generating them gave below warnings:

RecordTimer.py:512: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                             The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                             Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                             and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/DiskInfo.py:38: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                               The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                               Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                               and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/EpgList.py:291: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                               The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                               Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                               and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Task.py:470: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                            The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                            Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                            and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/About.py:135: warning: Empty msgid.  It is reserved by GNU gettext:
                                          gettext("") returns the header entry with
                                          meta information, not the empty string.
lib/python/Screens/AutoDiseqc.py:194: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                               The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                               Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                               and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/AutoDiseqc.py:284: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                               The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                               Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                               and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py:1053: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                      The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                      Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                      and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/InfoBar.py:542: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                            The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                            Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                            and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/Ipkg.py:58: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                        The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                        Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                        and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/Ipkg.py:58: warning: 'msgid_plural' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                        The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                        Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                        and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/MovieSelection.py:1927: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                    The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                    Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                    and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Screens/PluginBrowser.py:128: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                  The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                  Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                  and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Converter/ClientsStreaming.py:107: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                  The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                  Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                  and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Converter/ClockToText.py:94: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                            The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                            Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                            and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Converter/ClockToText.py:97: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                            The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                            Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                            and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Converter/EventName.py:130: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                           The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                           Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                           and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Converter/EventName.py:131: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                           The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                           Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                           and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Converter/RemainingToText.py:58: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Components/Converter/RotorPosition.py:32: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                              The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                              Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                              and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/FastScan/plugin.py:100: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                  The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                  Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                  and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
lib/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/FastScan/plugin.py:100: warning: 'msgid_plural' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                  The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                  Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                  and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.

#558282 Hoe kan ik het zappen sneller kan maken?

Posted by mirakels on 8 July 2016 - 17:44

Beste poodle.

We hebben op dit forum een groen arrow up icoontje als je een post van iemand wilt waarderen. Het rode down arrow icoontje hebben we weggehaald om te voorkomen dat deze in onredelijkheid gebruikt wordt. Het alternatief wordt dan om op zo'n post te reageren met constructief commentaar. Dus geen stemmingmakerij, dat laat je maar aan Wilders en consorten over.


Dus ik wacht met spanning op je uitleg waarom de opmerkingen van Jan Gruuthuse onzin zijn. Misschien is het zo en is het algemeen bekend, maar dan was het niet nodig geweest om dat nogmaals te herhalen. Maar ik weet van niets dus als je behulpzaam wilt zijn weet je wat je kan doen...

#543723 X11 Desktop fbdev

Posted by mirakels on 20 April 2016 - 12:00

Some people simply have a proven track record of fake warnings, wrong assumptions and technically incorrect advices  ... and No - I'm not talking about myself :rolleyes:


The good thing is that I can prove things if I want to ... but when I'm annoyed ... you will not get anything.


Some people simply have a proven track record of letting the world know how good they are, how they think other people don't read properly, assume they only give good advice and good comments, have the phrase 'been there, done that' as their motto, but never ever show anything tangible or proof anything because the don't want to because they feel annoyed by littlest criticism ... at least not on this forum. ... and No - I'm not talking about myself :rolleyes:



@all, please continue with the technical discussion that can improve the informational value of this topic. I like the topic and the original poster wanted to discuss a serious topic and is not interested in whether gutemine, gorski et all are bad people or not. We all may have different opinions and believes about the possibility of X11 on the video device or frame buffer, but please give constructive comments (even if they contain a bit of annoyance to tease people, but don't make it a fight.)


If you all insist on continuing this side discussion, please open a new thread in the Lounge section.

#533666 Faulty commit "eerror.cpp: Optimize log output routine"

Posted by mirakels on 27 February 2016 - 00:03

ok, did an implementation.

#533289 Faulty commit "eerror.cpp: Optimize log output routine"

Posted by mirakels on 24 February 2016 - 23:34

Added quick fix to avoid the weird prints, but output will be truncated. A better solution needs to be crafted....

#528534 Wetek Play

Posted by mirakels on 2 February 2016 - 12:09

the skills have been shown...

#524735 e2 eDebugNoLock function.

Posted by mirakels on 14 January 2016 - 00:13

@Mirakels: Thanks for pushing this simple change, you made me very happy! :) :) :)




Don't be mad at Chris, I know him for quite some time working on oscam, he is very devoted as you all can see but when he discovers something he simply reacts this way.

Not always but in special cases if something has troubled him a long time and I can understand such behavior.

Lets be glad we found a big piece of the puzzle. Now lets wait for some time and inspiration to fix it properly.

I think WanWizard has point, somehow/sometime we have to switch to debug levels, oscam has that too. Perhaps we can even copy / paste some of its code, upgrade it to C++ and

integrate it very easily.



I added debug levels to libdreamdvd too a long time ago.

In principle there are already levels (debug, warning and fatal), but enigma2 does not do anything special with the level.

I'm working on changing the core eDebug code to make it easier to add levels and allow setting debug levels at runtime.


About chirs, yes I see he is devoted and passionate, but that does not give right to push people and be blunt.

But as he can do it will now to:

[BLUNT MODE ON] Chriss, most of the time I do not understand what you write. I can deal with stone-cole-english most of the time and do it onpurpose myself once in a while. But your version is a bit to far off. Maybe you should type your comments in your native language and use google translate to get an english version.



#521171 skin displayfor et8500 not works

Posted by mirakels on 25 December 2015 - 15:54

yes, my bad.  merged.

#503905 Mediabox & Movie Industry

Posted by mirakels on 6 September 2015 - 21:16

Good and Bad are IMHO sometimes very difficult concepts, because one mans terrorist, is another mans freedom fighter.

Rupert Hine, One Man's Poison:

#492836 New OpenPli based image

Posted by mirakels on 27 May 2015 - 19:52

Ok, so some group decides to release sources but instead of welcoming that (well some do), many start complaining about other things of the same group/authors still(?) being closed.

I can understand one will become pissed off by that.

Why not (1) fully praise them for releasing some code and then (2) maybe politely ask them to open up more...


But instead of (2) it may be even better to bug other teams or plugin developers to also open up their source.


Please keep in mind that since the early days the images were open source, but most alternative image builders kept their sources close. Even the PLi team did that before it became really openPli. We always promised to release sources and we did, but most of the time we delayed that so our features were appreciated by the user as being a PLi development. Those were the times, teams would 'steal' code and quickly release an image before the original authors could.

At one point we decided that this was ridiculous so we opened our enigma2 code and couldn't care less what other teams would do with it.

(but off coarse hoping that more cooperation would take place).


Bacicciosat please don't go away. Don't be offended by those that are not in the know. You ask to punish them, but that will not help a bit. We tried to deal with that in the past but it just doesn't work. The best way is to count to ten and ignore the post (and poster if needed). Responding to it will make things worse.

We found that other forum members probably will dealwith the could-be-trolls.

So instead of saying goodbye, lets cooperate on development. That's what we all image builders like to do, don't we?

#434636 bootlogo official openpli

Posted by mirakels on 20 July 2014 - 22:33

The openPli logo is for the openPli image, so may not be used on non-openPli images (I don't think Vu+ will be happy if you put and Xtrend logo on a Vu+ box either).

Secondly we ask for openPli based images to add a 'based on openPli' message on their bootlogo, so again you cannot use the openPli logo as that does not contain that statement.

#430810 Einde Openpli-3.0

Posted by mirakels on 25 June 2014 - 16:01

Wegens het feit dat de openpli-3.0 builds nu ruim anderhalve maand stil staan en de openpli download servers nog steeds gebombardeerd worden met continue downloaden van de feed indexen zonder dat er een package gedownload wordt, zullen de openpli-3.0 feeds voor de boxen waar ook een openpli-4 image voor is op zeer korte termijn verwijderd worden. We raden iedereen aan die nog op openpli-3.0 draait over te stappen op openpli-4

#412671 Builds

Posted by mirakels on 19 March 2014 - 17:40

om een of andere reden is de xp1000 fout gegaan bij het uploaden naar de download server, tussen 03:58 en 04:08....


Op de build server is het image er gewoon.

#412312 merge requests for PLi's git

Posted by mirakels on 17 March 2014 - 17:37

openvpn2.3.2 pushed. build and installed fine om my local setup.


Please test tomorrow...