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Member Since 11 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active 14 Jun 2018 20:44

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In Topic: Port of software BCM7356

11 June 2018 - 18:45


In Topic: Port of software BCM7356

11 June 2018 - 17:39

A very understandable question, but certainly not for the faint at heart. This requires a very technical background and insight on both systems. DSTV supplies a closed box and cannot easily be patched. You would need the entire schematics of the DSTV box (which no-one is going to give you). Most boxes contain a security section where the decryption algorithm and card handling is stored (virtual softcam so to speak). Also realise that multiple firms provide part of the firmware without knowing what other build (security by obscurity principle).

For a consumer this is next to impossible to achieve..

BTW Netflix uses DRM techniques not available in STB's.

thanks alot i understand and im not too sure that the last line is completely true as it streams ShowMax to it which uses widevine drm so is it just software that is able to do it and im thinking of getting a UART connector as it does have that and do some digging around as i have no other way of seeing the OS nand flash file system