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Member Since 31 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active 22 Nov 2023 18:48

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How to show all simular programs in GMEPG?

27 March 2018 - 19:01

I have tested now.

This was exactly what I meant. Thanks for the help!  :)

In Topic: Can't install AspectRatioSwitch in OpenPLi V6.0

9 September 2017 - 14:28

Okay guys, thanks for all the help.   :)

In Topic: Can't install AspectRatioSwitch in OpenPLi V6.0

9 September 2017 - 14:03

When I watch TV, I'd rather have this setting on "Just scale" because there are channels that
have black edges on the sides, and I hate this. For example "Discovery World" in Sweden.

In Topic: Can't install AspectRatioSwitch in OpenPLi V6.0

9 September 2017 - 13:51

Thanks for your help. Before I test your solution, I would like to answer "littlesat":
It's quite common for MKV movies to start with wrong aspect ratio. For example, tall narrow people.
So I need to change aspect ratio fast for just that movie, so black edges appear above and below the picture.
I see that I can solve this problem by switch the feature "Display >16:9 content as" from "Just scale"
to "Letterbox", and after I watched the movie, just switch it back.
However, there are many keystrokes that this plugin quickly handled with only one keystroke.
Therefore, I think it worked well.
If there is any other solution than installing this old outdated plugin, please tell me.

In Topic: Can't install AspectRatioSwitch in OpenPLi V6.0

9 September 2017 - 13:16

Okay, I understand.
For many years, I have often used this plugin to change the aspect ratio fast with just one touch of a button.
I feel totally disabled without this. Is there any other solution, or is it only downgrade to 4.0 that solves the problem?
How do you others do when single media is displayed with wrong aspect ratio?