It seems better to change image and move to BH and have this option than to deal with OpenPli non sense answers!
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In Topic: Channel Bandwidth Speed (download/upload) in User Interface in Open PLI
19 September 2020 - 21:42
In Topic: vuplus solo2 - strange remote control behavior: not always responding multipl...
13 September 2020 - 22:21
I have the similar issue on my VU+ Duo4K, not always, sometimes only, and my opinion is that its not problem with Remote Control but something in OpenPli 7.3 version which I mentioned also in one of my threads complaing my box is reacting with delay...
Have you tried other images, to see if this problem occur?
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Have you tried other images, to see if this problem occur?
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In Topic: Channel Bandwidth Speed (download/upload) in User Interface in Open PLI
13 September 2020 - 12:56
@betacentauri, exactly!
Why I like this option is because you know exactly how much bandwith use one iptv channel rather HD, 4K or VOD.
Same thing is on Netflix in some smart TV...
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Why I like this option is because you know exactly how much bandwith use one iptv channel rather HD, 4K or VOD.
Same thing is on Netflix in some smart TV...
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In Topic: Channel Bandwidth Speed (download/upload) in User Interface in Open PLI
13 September 2020 - 09:05
I use Iptv in my box, and when I change channels, this setup gives me information how much bandwith specific channel is using.
This is useful if I want to know how much bandwith is using for example one 4k channel
As mention, this option is available in BH images and just wanted to know if there is a possibility to have it also on OpenPli
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This is useful if I want to know how much bandwith is using for example one 4k channel
As mention, this option is available in BH images and just wanted to know if there is a possibility to have it also on OpenPli
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In Topic: VU+ DUO 4K VERY SLOW - with latest updates
12 September 2020 - 22:20
First - I have disabled picons from the list of channels and still I have the same issue!
Second - picons are stored in 4TB plug and play HDD which is in the box
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Second - picons are stored in 4TB plug and play HDD which is in the box
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