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Member Since 25 Dec 2018
Offline Last Active 14 Nov 2021 20:02

Topics I've Started

Channel Bandwidth Speed (download/upload) in User Interface in Open PLI

12 September 2020 - 18:19



Does anybody know is there a possibility to add channel bandwidth speed (download/upload) in User Interface of OpenPli like in attached picture.


Attached picture is from BH, but I would like to see if there is possibility to have this option also in OpenPli.




Channel Bandwidth/Internet Speed in User Interface in Open PLI

12 September 2020 - 15:19


Does anybody know is there a possibility to add channel internet speed/bandwidth in User Interface of OpenPli like in attached picture.


Attached picture is from BH, but I would like to see if there is possibility to have this option also in OpenPli.




VU+ DUO 4K VERY SLOW - with latest updates

17 June 2020 - 11:29



In the last 3 months update releases and after updating my VU+DUO 4K box I see that my box is going slow comparing to previous versions.


When I switch channels it takes to much time to change to the other channel, and sometimes list of bouquets is freezing and it takes time (around 3-5 seconds) to have normal list of bouquets again.


I have flashed box with older version of OpenPli 7.2 (version from December 2019) and everything works perfectly.


Does anybody know what is the issue and how can I fix this?


Looking forward to your replies.


