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Member Since 2 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active 02 Feb 2017 01:03

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In Topic: CoolTVGuide 5.6.1

7 March 2012 - 00:10

Your right.
Move them to standardfolder, and they will work.
It must have been changed in latest version, cause before you could set up other folders in CoolTvGuide, but that isent possible anymore :(

Yeah, but why isn't /media/mmc1 for SD cards, part of the standard paths like usb and CF ? The picons work for EPG on SD card out of the box.
I still want to have my picons on a SD card and since the /usr/share/enigma2/picon is in valueable flash, the workaround is simply done by:
ln -s /media/mmc1 /usr/share/enigma2/picon

Just a simple link from standard flash picon folder to my SD card picon folder. Picons now appear in CoolTvGuide, latest version.

In Topic: CoolTVGuide 5.6.1

6 March 2012 - 21:32

Maybe an error in GUI only ?


no its no error...

why you don't do the picons to your standardpath ???

3 standardfolder exist in E2 !


Thanks, it was exactly what I had to do :)

I have my picons on SD card and previously they showed up in CoolTVGuide but not in the latest version. Settings file has the correct path:

but this property seems not to be in use anymore , or ?

In Topic: Magic fan control ?

2 September 2011 - 21:12

No autobackup done. I've never installed it. All I've done, which I always do when I reflash, is to do a system property backup. This only backups properties, no plugins.
"opkg list_installed | grep fan" doesn't show anything.