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Member Since 2 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active 02 Feb 2017 01:03

Topics I've Started

Fan plugin DM8000

12 January 2012 - 21:22

My fan is running without any installed fan plugin, or is it ?
I never installed any fan plugin after a fresh flash from january.
opkg list | grep fan


enigma2-plugin-extensions-fancontrol2 - experimental-git3735+5cdadeb-r6 - Temperature dependent fan control
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-tempfancontrol - 2.7+git9313+144bb35-r29 - systemplugins-tempfancontrol

opkg list_installed | grep fan


Is a fan plugin installed or not ?
built into image ?


Magic fan control ?

2 September 2011 - 18:48

When I previously flashed my DM8000 using OpenPli 2.0, I always had to install a fan plugin like Tempcontrol or Fancontrol2 to make my fan work.
When I reflashed my DM8000 with OpenPli 2.1 the fan worked without any fan plugin !

Is there some fan control feature already built in OpenPli 2.1 ? The fan has different speeds depending on wether the box is in standby or active.
This is exactly how I configured it with the fan plugin when I used OpenPli 2.0. The fan is acting exactly the same now in 2.1.