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Member Since 22 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active 11 Mar 2012 12:28

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In Topic: Problem with HD channel with S660 tuner vu+ uno

14 February 2012 - 13:56

The problem seems to be only with a unicable LNB, I'd be happy just to confirm if it is true, I don't have a single universal LNB.

I think that's not the LNB.
Most likely the tuner( tevii s660) itself is obsolete.

Perhapsbut It have worked one motnh ago....but in any way I need a second tuner that work becouse is reale disreputable to sell my uno for buy a ultimo, so I have see a sundtek skytv ultimate that seem to work great with setopbox, have you?

In Topic: Problem with HD channel with S660 tuner vu+ uno

13 February 2012 - 21:20

From the work of HD channels are no more problems?


I still have the problem, I have tried olso Blackhole and VTi image with the same result:
the signal strength go from 10-20% to 80-90% rapidly and of course the channel can't be decoded, I have tried also other image the BlackHole and the VTI but same result.
In the first time I thought that the problem was the usb tuner helper but now after tree image that have different helper and same behavior I thinking that the problem are in the kernel modules (DS3000?), but I'm not able to debug a kernel module.
The problem seems to be only with a unicable LNB, I'd be happy just to confirm if it is true, I don't have a single universal LNB.

The best regards

In Topic: Problem with HD channel with S660 tuner vu+ uno

13 February 2012 - 15:40

hallo franco, i try tevii s660, but without chance, i connect usb but dont initialize, stb dont show another tuner. do you have extra drivers for that ?
in my uno problem with this usb tuner.

You have to install at the least this driver:

firmware tevii s660

do ipkg list than search for this kernels driver and then install it.
after this do a "depmod" and then "modprobe" all the kernel dirver dvb-usb,ds3000, dw2102.

if you have doing this after a "lsmod" you can see this kernels module loaded in the list.
Attach the tevii and the blue led will blink two times.
do a "dmesg" and you will see the initialization and other info.
Restart enigma2 and finally in the tuner section you can see the second tuner installed.

Please excuse me for my bad english and feel free to ask me for information.

In Topic: Problem with HD channel with S660 tuner vu+ uno

2 February 2012 - 21:48

no one that can tell me something about this problem?
I think that is something related to the virtual tuner.
What can I do to debug the problem? which kind of information will be necessary?
What is the problem why no one tell me something?
Please help me.