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Member Since 5 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active 22 Sep 2024 15:34

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Minor issues with installing Pli 9.0

3 August 2024 - 14:55



On my Vu+ Ultimo 4k in version 8.3, it kept a lot of my customizations like the script files in //VUULTIMO4K/root/usr/script, which is very appreciable :P . A bit of a shame it didn't also keep the contents of //VUULTIMO4K/root/home/root ;) .


With streaming, I get recordings with .stream files. In the video selection screen, with 8.3 it displayed the full name of the file with the date, time, channel name and show title, which is a bit annoying since only the title is displayed for a .ts file.

With 9.0 there is nothing left for .stream files, an empty line except the date and time on the far right. In addition, the edEIT.exe application cannot open .meta and .eit files for .stream files. I managed to make some changes by editing the .meta and .eit with Notepad++ but it is not practical and I cannot correct everything.

For the network configuration, it's better since it memorizes 1 LAN configuration and 1 WAN configuration but I haven't managed to keep 2 LAN configurations. I haven't tried for the WAN. I think it will be the same thing. It's a bit of a shame because I often move my Ultimo and I have to change the network configuration.

But I have the same problem as in 8.3, when the WAN is deactivated, it's always a real pain to reactivate it (see my message https://forums.openp...ork-parameters/).

When memorizing the config, it displayed incorrect values ​​in secondary DNS in the lower part of the screen. I struggled without success trying to type other values ​​in DNS in the upper part but the wrong value came back when I typed again. However today there is nothing. Weird.


For the EPG with the blue button, I no longer have access to the menu, you have to go to the plugin menu. A little confusing :unsure:  ;)  .



With the second Ultimo 4K which is in 8.0, installing 9.0 lost the harddisk network share and when I do a backup with Backupsuite, it tells me in red that there is an error. I reloaded version 8.0 and I will check later.



Thank you :)  .

Pli does not store all network parameters

30 July 2024 - 17:42

I use my Ultimo 4 k in different homes. In the main house, I use Ethernet for the network connection and in the apartment, I use WiFi, but Pli doesn't remember (all) the settings, which means I have to fight to get the settings right.

When I first searched for WiFi networks, it found all the settings except the password, which is normal.

When I return home, I have to re-enter the primary DNS when I want to switch to Ethernet. It doesn't remember it. I could see it in the interfaces file :

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface wlan3 inet static
	pre-up wl-config.sh -m wpa2 -k "********" -s "GL-A1300-61d-5G" 
	post-down wl-down.sh

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

When I got back to the apartment, I want to switch to WiFi. The default setting is DHCP and I have to enter almost everything. I struggle like mad because 2 times out of 3 it wouldn't find the wireless networks, it's stuck. I have to electrically reboot the box 1 time, 2 times...


And now, when it finds wireless networks and I choose one, it no longer automatically fills in the parameters. And sometimes, it wouldn't display the choice between WAN and LAN and would go straight to the menu for one of the 2 networks (WAN or LAN). I have to restart the box.

If I disable DHCP, it's not as bad because it keeps the IP address, netmask and gateway but not the primary DNS and if I want to access another LAN, I can enter the parameters.

So now, when I switch from the WAN to the LAN and vice versa, I have to enter the primary DNS.

While searching on the forum, I found a post by WanWizard where it displays an interface file with a line for the primary DNS. I added a line by hand but it didn't work. So why doesn't it remember it for me?

Another problem is that it only (partially) remembers 1 WAN network and 1 LAN network. If I want to change one of them, I have to overwrite it.



Thank you for your help :) .


Jumps in MoviePlayer and in CutListEditor

1 March 2024 - 19:32

I have some problems when I use backward and forward jumps in MoviePlayer and CutListEditor.



1. With the 1 and 3 touches, it jumps backward 12 seconds and forward 10 seconds.


I detected this problem since I used the Vu+. With the Xtrend, the jumps seemed to be the same backward and forward.


It was annoying but not dramatic but I should want to correct it.



2. In CutListEditor, it does not cut where I press "OK" because there are 2 counters for the same point in the movie as you can see in the picture and there is ~2 seconds difference. It's not convenient at all to have the good cut because it cuts with the mark on the left list while the good mark is under the picture.



3. I sought in CutListEditor files and I found keymap.xml. Then I could see there are options I did not know about as left and right touches to jump 1 second backward and forward.


Then I did other tests and I detected the jumps are approximate and not exactly with the requested value. There is an error of 1~2 seconds. Not very well to get the good mark.


I tried an application on the PC and the jumps seem to be good but it's not convenient to use the PC and the application is not as user-friendly than CutListEditor. In addition, it can only cut at the beginning and at the end of the file.




I've done some corrections in the keymap.xml and I've added additional jumps with "2", "5", "8" touches.


With the left touch, it jumped backward ~2 seconds and ~1 second backward with the right touch. Then, I replaced "seek:-1" with "seek:0" and "seek:1" with ""seek:2". But sometimes, it didn't work well. Then I tried "ReconstructApSc" and it seems to solve this problem but it's not convenient to use it on a lot of files. I have also modified the other standard touches.


I should also want to modify the MoviePlayer jumps to avoid asymmetric jumps but I haven't found the files of this application.



Thank you for your help. :)


[reconstructapsc] add option "Change type '.stream' to '.ts'" b...

1 March 2024 - 18:04



Dimitrij gave me this link to have the option (change type...) :




but I don't find the new plugin. Littlesat, can you explain please ?


Thank you. :)

My box switches on by itself every morning

9 December 2023 - 16:08



Since a few days, my Vu+ switches on by itself every morning but not the TV while there is HDMI CEC on.


I sought in the settings file and I've found this line : config.misc.prev_wakeup_time_type=2

Is this the problem ?


It's not as obvious as EPGimport and autobackup : config.plugins.autobackup.wakeup=9:30



Thank you :)