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Member Since 2 Dec 2020
Offline Last Active 04 Dec 2020 10:14

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In Topic: Amiko Viper 4k Combo - Loop rebooting after ota update to openpli 7.3

3 December 2020 - 19:24

And what about italian "standard" list channel?

In Topic: Amiko Viper 4k Combo - Loop rebooting after ota update to openpli 7.3

3 December 2020 - 18:36

Hi, I got my parents upgrade their firmware to 7.3 and firmware upgraded worked. Thank you for your help!

Now they got the new interface and it's not so easy to use for them (the "standard"/"original" one was easier and just ready to use for an italian user). How can I configure OpenPli 7.3 for an "easier-to-use" user experience? That is:

- as soon as I power on the decoder, I see the latest channel I was seeing before power off

- standard italian channel list (or other unofficial italian channel list) - please consider my parents use both dvb-s and dvb-t2 decoder

- only see fullscreen channels, no tech details/info/etc (same user experience of standard tv)


Thank you.

In Topic: Amiko Viper 4k Combo - Loop rebooting after ota update to openpli 7.3

2 December 2020 - 22:51

Thank you Frenske!!! So now I can use the 7.3 image, put it in the usb and follow the standard procedure to force firmware upgrade, right?


I have to use the 7.3 2020 11 30 (the one is now installed) or - if the procedure fails - can I use an older one (as 2020 11 16 7.3 or 7.2)?

In Topic: Amiko Viper 4k Combo - Loop rebooting after ota update to openpli 7.3

2 December 2020 - 22:25

Thank you for your answer. Where I can found the image? Is there a generic image working on all models? Can I reinstall image via ota and how can I do this before the set top box reboot?