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Member Since 23 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active 19 Feb 2015 10:26

Posts I've Made

In Topic: TMDB Plugin

14 October 2013 - 11:20

Dus moet iemand overal zoeken terwijl het ergens al staat (dan wel in een andere taal - geen mprobleem om google translate te gebruiken). Ik ben zelf engels en heb hier gepost, omdat met het zoeken naar TMDB, kwam ik hier terecht, en toevalig zat er wat posten van engelse oorsprong. Waar zijn ze nu? Ik had zelf het idee dat de meeste nederlanders toch engels begrijpen. Blijkbaar niet.


In Topic: IMDB abfragen funktionieren oft nicht

13 October 2013 - 15:21

I'm a newbie..  I followed your instructions after downloading imbd.rar (imdb??) after using google translate:


copy plugin.py to root/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IMDb/
Then opkg install python-HTML

Or move HTMLParser.py to root/usr/lib/enigma2/python/
Didn't work.
As I understand it, with the (non working) IMDB installed, I just have to move/copy HTMLParser.py from the rar to the named folder
I'd appreciate a little help.
Cheers,  John

In Topic: TMDB plugin

13 October 2013 - 14:42

I meant enigma(2) above...   excuses.  Why don't I have the authorisation to edit my own post when I see I've made a mistake???

In Topic: TMDB plugin

13 October 2013 - 14:35

Hi, I have to say, I'm a newbie to all this, though came onto the forum because the last while TMDB doesn't work on my VuDuo either. I've read all of the above, and even tried copy the contents of the tmdb.rar into the plugins/extensions library (folder), but get the same error. If there is a known solution for a problem, why isn't this added to the online downloadable plugins library, or better still as an update that installs during online updating? There wass the same thing when IMDB no longer worked, there were solutions posted online, but for someone like me, more or less impossible to use. Why couldn't that solution just be added to the installable plugins library so that it automatically replaced the none working one? Although the IMDB plugin still doesn't work, I still occasionally updates being carried out, though they still haven't got IMDB working properly.


I have to say, thay I as many others greatly appreciate the work that is done (in the background) improving OpenPli Omega, but I do wonder sometimes if some changes are done too quickly, and not properly tested. I posted a post a long while ago regarding the satelite positioner setup and finder worked, asking if it were possible after selecting a channel on another satelite, that the satlite and transponder details were then loaded when positioner setup and/or finder were opened. Then a few weeks ago, to my delight, the two functions worked just as I had suggested. But then about a week or so later that change was removed. Who actually decides on the changes, and hown, when you have a change that you like, can you prevent this then from being altered again? And is a list kept of the (daily) changes? It would be nice when choosing to do an online update, that it was possible to see what is available and choose which you want to install.


Oh, and someone has changed how the counter works. The online update says (for example) there are 20 updates available, then when finished says that there were 21 packages updated.


I look forward to some feed back to my comments.


Cheers,  John

In Topic: Ligt imdb er uit?

7 December 2012 - 18:03

Ik ben ook op zoek naar een antwoord op het vraag, maar vind niets. Hoe wordt een probleem opgelost op het site? Lijkt geen zin te hebben om gewoon melding te maken op een forum. Het zoe wel handig zijn als diegene die een wijziging aanbrengt dat logged. En dat ie ook controleert dat het aanpassing daadwerkelijk werkt (voor iedereen - alle verschillende boxes), door op de forums te zoeken voor problemen met zijn aanpassing. Maar eerst, voordat ie in de nacht update wordt gezet, goed testen.... Ik hoop nog dat de "developer" een keer deze oppakt...