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Member Since 5 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active 18 Apr 2014 20:39

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In Topic: Permanent Timeshift

8 March 2012 - 21:00

Thanks to everyone who is working to fix this problem.
I have tried the new .py file posted by Almero, the permanenttimeshift 1.2.ipk posted by nietgiftig and I have tried uninstalling permanenttimeshift and going back to the 0.95 version posted by Hemispherical 1.
I still have timeshift problems on my VU+ duo...

I turn the box on in the middle of a show that is already running & pause for a couple of minutes so that what I'm watching is behind live TV.
When that show ends I am now getting a smooth transition to the next. i.e. I do get to watch the end of one show followed by the start of the next.
I continue to watch behind live TV. I get to see the end of the second show then get dumped into to live TV - part way into the third show.
It seems permanenttimeshift has just given up at the second transition between shows.

Max events set to 5 and max length at 180. The shows are local and regional news programs so this all takes place within an hour or so.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?