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Member Since 5 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active 18 Apr 2014 20:39

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[Germany/Austria/Swiss] RTL Formel 1: truncated in EPG

20 April 2012 - 20:08

RTL have 5 programs covering the Formula 1 race this weekend...

Formel 1: Freies Training
Formel 1: Qualifying
Formel 1: Countdown
Formel 1: Das Rennen
Formel 1: Siegerehrung und Highlights

For all these different programs the EPG shows "Formel 1". The colon and the remaining part of the program name is missing.
Several of these "Formel 1" programs follow each other so it isn't easy to tell which is which and the autotimer plugin can't be used to record the one or two interesting ones without picking up all 5.

I wonder if the colon is causing the name to be truncated. Is there a fix?