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Member Since 19 Sep 2021
Offline Last Active 15 Feb 2024 10:45

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In Topic: EPG on TravelXP 4K SID 4603 (11fb) on 13E and others

14 February 2024 - 13:11

Yes, "TravelXP 4K" SID 4603 (11fb) on 13E


There is not even Now/Next data :(



I see, just looking at the TS and no EIT

tsanalyze --ts-analysis --service-analysis --pid-analysis --table-analysis -w TRAVELXP-4K.ts

|  TRANSPORT STREAM ANALYSIS REPORT                                                          |
|  Transport Stream Id: ............. 11100 (0x2B5C)  |  Services: ...................... 4  |
|  Bytes: ............................... 49,972,468  |  PID's: Total: ................. 16  |
|  TS packets: ............................. 265,811  |         Clear: ................. 16  |
|     With invalid sync: ......................... 0  |         Scrambled: .............. 0  |
|     With transport error: ...................... 0  |         With PCR's: ............. 1  |
|     Suspect and ignored: ....................... 0  |         Unreferenced: ........... 0  |
|  Transport stream bitrate, based on ...................... 188 bytes/pkt    204 bytes/pkt  |
|  User-specified: .................................................. None             None  |
|  Estimated based on PCR's: .............................. 16,449,063 b/s   17,848,983 b/s  |
|  Broadcast time: .................................................. 24 sec (0 min 24 sec)  |
|  First TDT UTC time stamp: .......................................... 2024/02/12 11:27:37  |
|  Last TDT UTC time stamp: ........................................... 2024/02/12 11:27:37  |
|  First TOT local time stamp: .................................................... Unknown  |
|  Last TOT local time stamp: ..................................................... Unknown  |
|  TOT country code: .............................................................  Unknown  |
|  Srv Id           Service Name                                    Access          Bitrate  |
|  0x11FA   (4602)  (unknown) .......................................... C          Unknown  |
|  0x11FB   (4603)  (unknown) .......................................... C   16,445,783 b/s  |
|  0x11FC   (4604)  (unknown) .......................................... C          Unknown  |
|  0x11FD   (4605)  (unknown) .......................................... C          Unknown  |
|                                                                                            |
|  Note 1: C=Clear, S=Scrambled                                                              |
|  Note 2: Unless specified otherwise, bitrates are based on 188 bytes/pkt                   |

|  SERVICES ANALYSIS REPORT                                                                  |
|  Global PID's                                                                              |
|  TS packets: 53, PID's: 2 (clear: 2, scrambled: 0)                                         |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Global PID's ........................................ C        3,279 b/s  |
|  Subtotal        Global PSI/SI PID's (0x00-0x1F) ..................... C        3,279 b/s  |
|  0x0000     (0)  PAT ................................................. C        3,156 b/s  |
|  0x0014    (20)  TDT/TOT ............................................. C          123 b/s  |
|  Service: 0x11FA (4602), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 0, PID's: 1 (clear: 1, scrambled: 0)                                          |
|  PMT PID: 0x0164 (356), PCR PID: None                                                      |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0164   (356)  PMT ................................................. C            0 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 265,758, PID's: 22 (clear: 22, scrambled: 0)                                  |
|  PMT PID: 0x01C8 (456), PCR PID: 0x01C9 (457)                                              |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C   16,445,783 b/s  |
|  0x0105   (261)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0106   (262)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0107   (263)  Irdeto ECM .......................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0108   (264)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0109   (265)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x010A   (266)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x010B   (267)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x01C8   (456)  PMT ................................................. C        9,468 b/s  |
|  0x01C9   (457)  HEVC video (3840x2160, main 10 profile, level 5.1, 4  C   15,001,320 b/s  |
|  0x01CA   (458)  HE-AAC Audio (eng, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,805 b/s  |
|  0x01CB   (459)  HE-AAC Audio (cze, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,557 b/s  |
|  0x01CC   (460)  Viaccess ECM, 334368 (0x051A20) ..................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x01D1   (465)  Subtitles (srp, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       74,259 b/s  |
|  0x01D2   (466)  Subtitles (hrv, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       73,825 b/s  |
|  0x01D3   (467)  Subtitles (slv, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C      122,032 b/s  |
|  0x01D4   (468)  Subtitles (bul, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       69,803 b/s  |
|  0x01D5   (469)  HE-AAC Audio (ger, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,867 b/s  |
|  0x01D6   (470)  HE-AAC Audio (hun, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      145,176 b/s  |
|  0x01D7   (471)  HE-AAC Audio (fre, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,495 b/s  |
|  0x01D8   (472)  HE-AAC Audio (rus, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,433 b/s  |
|  0x01D9   (473)  Subtitles (por, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       82,180 b/s  |
|  0x01DA   (474)  HE-AAC Audio (pol, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,557 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FC (4604), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 0, PID's: 1 (clear: 1, scrambled: 0)                                          |
|  PMT PID: 0x1798 (6040), PCR PID: None                                                     |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x1798  (6040)  PMT ................................................. C            0 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FD (4605), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 0, PID's: 1 (clear: 1, scrambled: 0)                                          |
|  PMT PID: 0x17A2 (6050), PCR PID: None                                                     |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x17A2  (6050)  PMT ................................................. C            0 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |

|  PIDS ANALYSIS REPORT                                                                      |
|  PID: 0x0000 (0)                                                                      PAT  |
|  Global PID                     Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: .......... 3,156 b/s  Packets: ................. 51  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................. 0  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  Sections:                   |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Unit start: ........... 51  |
|  PID: 0x0014 (20)                                                                 TDT/TOT  |
|  Global PID                     Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ............ 123 b/s  Packets: .................. 2  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................. 0  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  Sections:                   |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Unit start: ............ 2  |
|  PID: 0x01C8 (456)                                                                    PMT  |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: .......... 9,468 b/s  Packets: ................ 153  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................. 0  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  Sections:                   |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Unit start: ........... 51  |
|  PID: 0x01C9 (457)                                                             HEVC video  |
|  PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0)                                                             |
|  3840x2160, main 10 profile, level 5.1, 4:2:0                                              |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ..... 15,001,320 b/s  Packets: ............ 242,416  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............. 2,995  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: .................. 1,775  Packets: ........... 1,219  |
|                                 TSrate: ...... 16,449,063 b/s  Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01CA (458)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (eng)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,805 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,340  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 758  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01CB (459)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (cze)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,557 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,336  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 761  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D1 (465)                                                        Subtitles (srp)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 74,259 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,200  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D2 (466)                                                        Subtitles (hrv)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 73,825 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,193  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D3 (467)                                                        Subtitles (slv)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 122,032 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,972  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 28  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 27  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D4 (468)                                                        Subtitles (bul)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 69,803 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,128  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D5 (469)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (ger)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,867 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,341  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 760  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 380  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D6 (470)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (hun)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 145,176 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,346  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 760  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D7 (471)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (fre)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,495 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,335  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 760  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D8 (472)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (rus)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,433 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,334  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 759  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D9 (473)                                                        Subtitles (por)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 82,180 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,328  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01DA (474)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (pol)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,557 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,336  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 758  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 380  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |

|  TABLES & SECTIONS ANALYSIS REPORT                                                         |
|  PID: 0x0000 (0)                                                                      PAT  |
|  0x00 (0, PAT), TID ext: 0x2B5C (11100)                                                    |
|         Repetition: ......... 474  ms  Section cnt: ........... 51                         |
|         Min repet.: ......... 458  ms  Table cnt: ............. 51                         |
|         Max repet.: ......... 494  ms  Version: ............... 30                         |
|  PID: 0x0014 (20)                                                                 TDT/TOT  |
|  0x70 (112, TDT)                                                                           |
|         Repetition: ........... 0  ms  Section cnt: ............ 1                         |
|         Min repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|         Max repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|  0x73 (115, TOT)                                                                           |
|         Repetition: ........... 0  ms  Section cnt: ............ 1                         |
|         Min repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|         Max repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|  PID: 0x01C8 (456)                                                                    PMT  |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x11FB (4603)                                                     |
|         Repetition: ......... 473  ms  Section cnt: ........... 51                         |
|         Min repet.: ......... 447  ms  Table cnt: ............. 51                         |
|         Max repet.: ......... 508  ms  Version: ................ 8                         |


In Topic: HDR Channels on 13, 19 or 23.5E?

14 February 2024 - 12:01

Well it's difficult i you don't have all the subscriptions :)


Just looked at the TS stream from TravelXP 4K SID 4603 (11fb) on 13E and it's showing:

Width                                    : 3 840 pixels
Height                                   : 2 160 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Frame rate                               : 50.000 FPS
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 10 bits
Writing library                          : ATEME Titan File 3.9.6 (        
Encryption                               : TPS-Crypt  or Viaccess
Color range                              : Limited
Color primaries                          : BT.2020
Transfer characteristics                 : HLG / BT.2020 (10-bit)
Matrix coefficients                      : BT.2020 non-constant

Would this be right statement?

On-line streaming is mainly dominated by DV (Commercial platforms) and HLG (BBC | NHK - 4K/8K)
BD have mainly HDR10/HDR10+
And DVB-S/S2/S2X use HLG / HDR10

How do you work out which stations supports which HDR?

In Topic: Remote ssh/sftp Access to VU+ or Zgemma running Openpli

5 January 2024 - 18:02

I checked, I have a

  • 256 bit RSA key, SHA256
  • 256 bit ECDSA key, SHA256
  • 2048 bit ED25519 key, SHA256

and all three work when using SSH into a box without password ( when the .pub is added to the authorized_keys file ).

I would recommend not to open up the SSH port on the BOX to the whole world, but hide it behind VPN (have a VPN running on the router itself).


WireGuard is generally recommended and all MikroTik devices support it and are cheap and available in all sizes and price range.


See an article over here as well


I have been using RSA and ECDSA keys, but recently changed to ED25519 on my PC,

but have been unable to log in without a password (with key only) on my box running OpenPLi 8.3-release (2023-06-25-release-8.3) as well ...

Could be that the version of the DropBear is bit out of date:

root@vuduo4kse:~# dropbear -v
Invalid option -v
Dropbear server v2019.78 https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html
Usage: dropbear [options]
-b bannerfile  Display the contents of bannerfile before user login
    (default: none)
-r keyfile  Specify hostkeys (repeatable)
    dss /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
    rsa /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
    ecdsa /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key
-R    Create hostkeys as required
-F    Don't fork into background
-E    Log to stderr rather than syslog
-w    Disallow root logins
-G    Restrict logins to members of specified group
-s    Disable password logins
-g    Disable password logins for root
-B    Allow blank password logins
-T    Maximum authentication tries (default 10)
-j    Disable local port forwarding
-k    Disable remote port forwarding
-a    Allow connections to forwarded ports from any host
-c command  Force executed command
-p [address:]port
    Listen on specified tcp port (and optionally address),
    up to 10 can be specified
    (default port is 22 if none specified)
-P PidFile  Create pid file PidFile
    (default /var/run/dropbear.pid)
-i    Start for inetd
-W <receive_window_buffer> (default 24576, larger may be faster, max 1MB)
-K <keepalive>  (0 is never, default 0, in seconds)
-I <idle_timeout>  (0 is never, default 0, in seconds)
-V    Version
Latest is 2022.83
14 November 2022


In Topic: TSduck for armv7l

2 January 2024 - 20:39


You would need to compile it, not only for possible architecture issues, but also because you need to compile it against the correct kernel and libraries.
Satdreamgr has a build recipe for it: https://github.com/s...sduck/tsduck.bb
This would require you to setup a build environment (some pointers here: https://wiki.openpli..._your_own_build).
Once you've been able to build an image for your box, you can copy that recipe into meta-local/tsduck, and build it using

 cd build
 source env.source
 bitbake -k tsduck

Thanx for the pointers, Wow ...That is above my skill set :(

In Topic: Using DVBlast and w_scan on E2

2 January 2024 - 20:37

Looking at the source code for the "w_scan_cpp"


the latest is "w_scan_cpp-20231015"



The version in OpenPLi repo is from 2017 ........

root@vuduo4kse:~# opkg update; opkg list | grep wscan
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-8-release/3rd-party-armv7ahf-neon/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openpli-3rd-party-armv7ahf-neon'.
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-8-release/3rd-party/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openpli-3rd-party'.
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-8-release/3rd-party-vuduo4kse/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openpli-3rd-party-vuduo4kse'.
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-8-release/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openpli-all'.
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-8-release/armv7ahf-neon/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openpli-armv7ahf-neon'.
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-8-release/picons/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openpli-picons'.
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-8-release/vuduo4kse/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openpli-vuduo4kse'.
wscan - 20170107-r0.6 - Small command line utility used to perform frequency scans for DVB and ATSC transmissions
wscan-dbg - 20170107-r0.6 - Small command line utility used to perform frequency scans for DVB and ATSC transmissions - Debugging files
wscan-dev - 20170107-r0.6 - Small command line utility used to perform frequency scans for DVB and ATSC transmissions - Development files
wscan-doc - 20170107-r0.6 - Small command line utility used to perform frequency scans for DVB and ATSC transmissions - Documentation files