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Member Since 26 Dec 2021
Offline Last Active 10 Mar 2022 18:07

Topics I've Started

Vuplus support by open pli

2 March 2022 - 13:10

Hello. What does this text written on the open pli site mean? Does that mean the vuplus team no longer has support? Will open pli 9 also come for vuplus?

infobar ok no time out

12 February 2022 - 12:43

Hi. I want the info bar not to disappear in the image when I press the ok button, but its timeout is not on no. In other words, Infobar should have its normal mode, but when I press the ok button once, it will prevent it from disappearing.
This feature called Disable infobar timeout for ok button is present in some images and in the interface of some images, but as shown in the image below, this is not in pli. Do you add it?

Speed remote control vu+

30 January 2022 - 22:33

Hi, I open the input device settings menu in openpli8.1 image and in the dreambox remote settings section, I reduce the speed and handling settings of the remote control to improve its speed, but it has no effect! What is the problem?