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#1254982 vu zero 4k and vu Turbo Tuner

Posted by masterw on 18 September 2020 - 20:59

:D it solved the issue!


Thanks a lot


Great to hear that it also solved your problem!


During my troubleshooting session first I disabled oscam completely and tried to reproduce the problem with FTA channels --> Problem could not be reproduced.

Then I re-enabled oscam and tried once more to reproduce the problem still with FTA channels --> Problem re-appeared instantly.

So it was quite obvious that problem didn't come from the decoding process but from the dvbapi module.

Then I tried changing PMT-mode to 0 like in my old DM7020 box and that solved the issue.


Just for clarification: are you using the legacy VU+ Turbo tuner or the new Turbo SE version like me?

#1254886 vu zero 4k and vu Turbo Tuner

Posted by masterw on 18 September 2020 - 12:27

For the people using the new VU+ Turbo SE Combo DVB-C/T2 Hybrid USB Tuner, it works perfectly on my VU+ Zero 4K for DVB-C service.

After installation of following driver from the OpenPli 7.3 plugin feed the tuner is correctly recognized:

ct2-usb-dvbsky-t330 (1.0-r0.0)


I only experienced in some cases the box completely hanging when zapping from satellite tuner to DVB-C tuner while oscam was running, even with FTA channels.

Only remedy was rebooting the box (E2 restart didn't help/work).

After some heavy troubleshooting I got rid of this problem simply by changing PMT Mode 6 to 0 in oscam.dvbapi.

Since then the tuner is running very stable, no glitches, freezes or whatsoever.

#519208 Sundtek DVB-C USB tuner stopt na een tijdje met werken

Posted by masterw on 15 December 2015 - 17:03

Try to check with the old drivers, for example:








tested the old drivers

http://www.sundtek.d...51208.205621.sh -> tuner stops working after 12 minutes tuned on HD channel
http://www.sundtek.d...50907.163414.sh -> tuner stops working after 41 minutes tuned on HD channel