Tja. das klingt nicht gut. Mal abwarten was kommt. Schade eigenltich. OpenPli war mir irichtig ans Herz gewachsen. :/
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Due to a database corruption issue, we were forced to restore last-nights backup. This means all posts of Saterday Febuary 17th have been lost.Community Stats
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In Topic: Nutzung CI+
27 October 2019 - 15:28
In Topic: Geht CI+ von Sky auf PLI
27 October 2019 - 09:01
Also geht es jetzt oder nicht?
In Topic: Openpli 7 videotext is not working
22 January 2019 - 11:09
At the Moment the share ist working. Dont ask me how, but it works. Thx for your help.
In Topic: Openpli 7 videotext is not working
21 January 2019 - 23:31
Ok. Now ive upgraded again. Teletext is working, networkmount dont. I cannot conbect between the boxes. On my duo2 i create a nfs share on meria/hdd but i cannot open it on my zero and in the mount view there is a little red cross on the left hdd picture. Under the networkbrowser i cannot unfold the box to see zhe shares. The dhare of my nas works fine. Only the fonnection between the vu+ boxes fails.
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Gesendet von meinem SM-T813 mit Tapatalk
In Topic: Openpli 7 videotext is not working
21 January 2019 - 19:48
Ok. I would deinstall first before i upgrade again. Do i need the "mountmanager"?
Gesendet von meinem SM-T813 mit Tapatalk
Gesendet von meinem SM-T813 mit Tapatalk
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