Yes I had also discovered. Shows a wrong value Enigma2. When you look at what your actual model itself and do admit a judgment about where is the bug that incorrectly shows. I thought that it is done for image xtrend but was only taken with DM800SE so when you look at what you'll find yourself model that is built on Enigma2 DM800SE and therefore probably disagree indicators. For example, the AGC still shows 100% except for skin-redxtglobal. There shows correctly. Ber, does not show at all. I contacted Shamann if not regulated by hd glass16 AGC to work properly. I sent him all the information he wanted, and it is due to poor model can not edit it to make it work. My opinion is that it quickly did enigma receiver to go quickly to the market for sale. Enigma2 is therefore with DM800SE and not based on xttend et7500.
Look the wrong model for Xtrend ET7500
root @ et7x00: ~ # cat / proc / stb / info / model
root @ et7x00: ~ #