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Member Since 10 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active 19 Jun 2016 08:49

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In Topic: DTS sound with iso dvd

27 April 2016 - 16:44

Thank you very much christophecrv, your work around work with all my iso files.

First i select the DTS track --> No sound

I select again the DTS track (already select) and it works

You are magic !

Now just to correct this little bug, the hardiest was to detect it.

Thank's a lot.

In Topic: DTS sound with iso dvd

25 April 2016 - 09:29


I make a DVD structure for test (A small because my iso are 6~8 Gb !)

You can get it at : https://dl.dropboxus...96/VIDEO_TS.zip

You can see on a VU+ DUO2 that the DTS track has no sound anf if you just extract the VOD file you can ear DTS !

Thanks for your help.

In Topic: DTS sound with iso dvd

24 April 2016 - 10:04


Of course, i can see the DTS track, i can select it but i have no sound.

A codec problem ..... But when i select one .VOB file (Extract from ISO and put on VU+ HDD Folder) i can ear the DTS sound.

In Topic: DTS sound with iso dvd

23 April 2016 - 08:47


Thanks Christophecvr,

Of course i tried to change the track with the yellow button but only the AC3 tracks works.

I totaly remove the LCD4linux plugin (Plugins, red button, Select LCD4Linux) , deep sleep the box, switch off the box, switch on but the result is the same, no DTS on DVD structure.

I also try to temporary switch the /usr/lib/libdreamdvd.so.0.0.0 file with the file of my DM800se, reboot the box but without no more DTS sound (I replace the original libdreamdvd.so.0.0.0 file after the test !). 

Finaly i replace the HDMI connection by SPDIF (Optical) connection but still no DTS sound (Only AC3).

Thanks for your help

In Topic: DTS sound with iso dvd

22 April 2016 - 12:09

Thanks Christophecvr,

If i understand it's mean libdreamdvd is bugged and gstreamer work fine ?