By the way, does anyone know what the path for picons is for the Vu+ Duo2 box?
in flash its
4 January 2024 - 14:11
By the way, does anyone know what the path for picons is for the Vu+ Duo2 box?
in flash its
11 October 2023 - 12:45
The developer of the plugin has released for specific py3 versions . Its better you should contact and report the crash log to its developer. I hope he will fix the issue .
18 August 2023 - 06:07
It will stay on 8.3 .
Rc9. is py3 .Where as 8.3 is py2
11 May 2023 - 09:58
You can also use the plugin install Ipk from feed to install it
11 May 2023 - 09:54
Some of the users have complained that vpn manager is not working in open pli 8.3 and also in nightly builds to. During test I found a entry of the file at etc/ 'resolvconf.conf ' along with 'resolv.conf'
After deleting this file 'resolvconf.conf ' Vpn manager and other pure vpn now working flawlessly .
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