Sure, I could do that, but will it be used? If OpenPLI does not support/create new images for Dreambox any longer, I would assume it's a bit late for a new translation?
But looking through the nn.po file it's a small thing to correct the error I've just described:
Line 5715 is a translation for "Move" and it should have been "Flytt" or "Flytte" ("to move" = "å flytte"), not "Kjøre"
I believe "Flytt" would be the correct translation, as this probably refers to "Move file" which would be "Flytt fil" in norwegian
There are also a few other lines with directions, ie. "Move east", or west / north / south, which could be correct, but I would say that is dependent on the context, as "Kjør" means "run", but could also mean "drive", so if your moving a car east, "Kjør øst" would be correct, but if you're moving a cursor east, I would rather use "Flytt østover", than "Kjør østover"