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Member Since 7 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active 28 Jan 2017 16:59

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Map MultiEPG to button on dm500-s

26 June 2013 - 22:53

That's what im trying to do! :P I just can figure out how to map it though. Its not in the menu options....

In Topic: Map MultiEPG to button on dm500-s

26 June 2013 - 21:48

Can anyone state if this is possible?

In Topic: Dreambox EPG Config on DM500

4 June 2013 - 00:03

Hello again.. Waiting patiently! lol.

In Topic: Dreambox EPG Config on DM500

22 May 2013 - 19:19

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet


- Aristotle..

In Topic: Dreambox EPG Config on DM500

22 May 2013 - 01:18

May I dare hope that you are considering this undertaking? If you are and in need of a test guinea pig I would be more than happy to oblige... Oink Oink