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Member Since 7 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active 28 Jan 2017 16:59

Topics I've Started

Map MultiEPG to button on dm500-s

26 June 2013 - 10:56

I have a DM500-s using SkyUK guide.


If I press tv->info->MultEPG then I get the multi EPG on my screen where I can see whats on.


Can this be mapped to a particular button?


It would be a lot easier if I could map this function.


Any help appreciated,


I am of course using open-pli on my box.

Dreambox EPG Config on DM500

6 May 2013 - 17:18

Hi guys - Quick question!!


I'm running Dreambox EPG on a dm500 (openPLI) with the epg data stored in the /tmp directory.(SkyUK only I'm interested in)


I have all the relevant channels mapped but missing certain channels.


I have done a "Update EPG Channel References" and a "UpdateUK Latest".


I'm still seing channels like Bravo (went offline years ago)



Sky Disney Channel (new Disney Movie channel)


Sky atlantic +1


Plus many more...


My question is this... Can I manually download an updated listing so I can map the EPG to these missing channels?


Appreciate any help you can give me on this thanks guys..