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Deze categorie omschakelen PLi® Support

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[NL] Gebruikersondersteuning

Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor gebruikers van PLi® images en OpenPLi®
Controleer a.u.b. op deze pagina of uw merk en type ondersteund wordt, voordat u om ondersteuning vraagt!

  • 17945 onderwerpen
  • 250052 reacties

[EN] Enduser support

English support for users of PLi® images and OpenPLi®
Please check on this page if your brand and model is supported before you ask for support on this forum!

  • 15573 onderwerpen
  • 153477 reacties

[DE] Benutzerunterstützung

Deutsche Sprachenunterstützung für Benutzer von PLi® Bildern und OpenPLi®
Bitte überprüfen Sie erstmal ob die bestimmte Marke und / oder dieses Model überhaupt von uns unterstützt wird bevor Sie Unterstützung anfordern!

  • 3269 onderwerpen
  • 21928 reacties

[EN] Rytec XMLTV and EPG support

Use this forum to discuss the XMLTV EPG service and the XMLTV import plugin

  • 2568 onderwerpen
  • 36992 reacties

Deze categorie omschakelen PLi® Development

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[EN] Test Feedback

Feedback on the Nightly Build images from testers.
When posting, please provide: On which box(es) was it tested, Image, build date and last update date . Detailed description of the issue and the exact steps to reproduce the issue (if possible).

  • 129 onderwerpen
  • 2937 reacties

[EN] Third-Party Development

Discussions about scripts, plugins, enigma modifications, C++, Python, ...

  • 2709 onderwerpen
  • 57124 reacties


Discussions about skin development and modding. This forum is multi-lingual. Please use tags to mark a topic for a specific language.

  • 534 onderwerpen
  • 13032 reacties

Deze categorie omschakelen General Discussion

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The Lounge

Anything not related to OpenPLi support or development.
No topics is off limits... but when possible (and logical) use English so everyone can follow, and be civil.

For Sale topics are allowed, as long as they are not commercial, and do not violate the forum rules !

  • 948 onderwerpen
  • 8965 reacties

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  • 97864 Aantal gebruikers
  • alsir Nieuwste gebruiker
  • 11871 Meest online

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