So basically my question is are these things already implemented in OpenWebIf, and are they subject to further changes?
The api set is still under development but it's near to be completed. Actually most apis for original webif are already implemented.
These are the missing apis:
external gettags parentcontrollist pluginlistread restarttwisted sleeptimer messageanswer tvbrowser ## DO NOT TO DO ## updates.html ?????? IS IT REALLY NECESSARY ?????? getpid Not needed E1 settings Not needed.. WHY? tpm Not needed only for DM
Today i should complete the api set. The last 4 apis (updates.html, getpid, settings, tpm) we don't think they are necessary. And if we don't found an application who use that, they will be not implemented.
Anyway, our purpose is keep compatibility between original webif and openwebif so, if you get some different output from one of our api, please let us know. In theory your application should work on openwebif as well as with original webif. If this doesn't happen probably there's a bug somewhere in our api set.
Is there any informations is there any E2 images distributing it as default?
Not yet. Because the first stable version it's not completed (but as i told we are near to achieve that).
I'm pretty confident (but maybe i'm wrong) that various teams should use openwebif as default webif when it's completed.
The main reason to choose openwebif instead of the original webif is mainly the license. To explain it shortly you shouldn't use original webif on not dmm boxes (this because the license).
Is there any wiki site?
No, for now you can still use the wiki of original webif