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GStreamer 1.0

gstreamer 1.0 openpli

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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2261 MastaG

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Posted 9 April 2016 - 20:40

Uhm afaik "fragmented" has been renamed to "hls" for a long time now.
I believe I'm including it in my 1.8.0 builds as well or else the forum would have been flooded with complaints about m3u8 streams not working.

However one thing I did notice with 1.8.0 is that hls seems to skip (hang) a lot on my spark7162 receiver.
Maybe thats the report Taapat has got about my 1.8.0 builds.
I couldn't reproduce the skipping on any of my mipsel receivers though.

Taapat whats report you got on my last build?

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2262 christophecvr

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Posted 9 April 2016 - 21:09

I just checked what Taapat reported and its trough on gst


However Taapat told that on gst-1.7.9  the problem was not there , and in that version the gstreamer plugin fragmented did not anymore. Actually it was replaced already in gst 1.7.  by plugin hls .


So If You have had a build with 1.7.9 which worked with those streams It would be nice to have the recipes You used at that time.


I really like to trace where the problems occurs , to have the exact commit off gst where the hls media where broken (this cause for all the other hls media at last those I have it 100 % with except the links from the you tube plugin off taapat)

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2263 Taapat

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Posted 9 April 2016 - 21:10

@MastaG as I understand user report about mipsel receiver.

Try live streams from youtube: http://forums.openpl...-15#entry541695

Edited by Taapat, 9 April 2016 - 21:11.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2264 Taapat

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Posted 9 April 2016 - 21:24

@christophecvr I do not think that the reason is in hls.
In it after 1.7.9 versions nothing has changed.


As you already wrote the problem is somewhere else, and it might be difficult to find it.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2265 christophecvr

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Posted 9 April 2016 - 22:19

Ok , but to be shure I will try a build with git commits at the level where it was by 1.7.9 . Unfortunately that's a hell job and on top off it does require a flash off stb by each change. 


yes will take long .....

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2266 christophecvr

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 09:47

I tried with 1.7.9 but those streams still do not work.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2267 Alexvrs

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 09:56

I tried with 1.7.9 but those streams still do not work.


The last time I tested these streams with and where it worked on 100%, the rest of the assembly, including 1.7.9, I missed.

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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2268 Taapat

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 11:07

As I understand MastaG builds image with gstreamer AUTOREV version, so it is possible that in his image was gstreamer from the git before taged 1.7.90 version.

It would be good to understand the date on which is built his image with gstreamer 1.7.9.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2269 MastaG

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 11:12

Thats correct, I only use the git recipes for gstreamer and all previous images were using autorev.
However my latest builds were compiled with a fixed rev of the stable 1.8.0 tag.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2270 christophecvr

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 11:51

I now have 1.7.1 en sorry still not ok.


I gues it must be something else then gstreamer


I used the you tube plugin from taapat


the https link is ok it only stops playing

<  1273.785> playing 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:https%3a//manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/id/aE7JOds_GtY.2/itag/95/source/yt_live_broadcast/requiressl/yes/ratebypass/yes/live/1/cmbypass/yes/goi/160/sgoap/itag%253D140/sgovp/itag%253D136/hls_chunk_host/r7---sn-uxaxoxu-5oge.googlevideo.com/playlist_type/DVR/gcr/be/mm/32/mn/sn-uxaxoxu-5oge/ms/lv/mv/m/pl/14/dover/3/sver/3/upn/9nVKMsvdg5U/fexp/9416126,9416891,9420452,9422596,9423662,9426926,9427902,9428398,9432363/mt/1460285171/ip/,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,cmbypass,goi,sgoap,sgovp,hls_chunk_host,playlist_type,gcr,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl/signature/3B0472C66A88591AAD445ED4EDFD49AF83A8F3BB.361612C168DEC4C7339AF780404E6AF2B11DF4ED/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8:Трансляция прямого эфира NewsOne
<  1273.786> [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:1:10E0:418:1:C00000:0:0:0:
<  1273.786> [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:1:10E0:418:1:C00000:0:0:0:
<  1273.803> [eTSMPEGDecoder] decoder state: play, vpid=ffffffff, apid=ffffffff
<  1273.803> [eDVBPCR0] DEMUX_STOP ok
<  1273.803> [eDVBPCR0] destroy
<  1273.803> [eDVBVideo0] DEMUX_STOP  ok
<  1273.805> [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_STOP ok
<  1273.808> [eDVBVideo0] destroy
<  1273.808> [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_STOP ok
<  1273.833> [eDVBAudio0] DEMUX_STOP ok
<  1273.833> [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_CONTINUE ok
<  1273.840> [eDVBAudio0] destroy
<  1273.840> [eDVBText0] DEMUX_STOP ok
TuxTxt stopped service 28
<  1273.841> [eDVBText0] destroy
cleaning up
TuxTxt cache cleared
<  1273.849> [eDVBResourceManager] start release channel timer
<  1273.849> [eServiceMP3] construct!
<  1273.849> [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/id/aE7JOds_GtY.2/itag/95/source/yt_live_broadcast/requiressl/yes/ratebypass/yes/live/1/cmbypass/yes/goi/160/sgoap/itag%3D140/sgovp/itag%3D136/hls_chunk_host/r7---sn-uxaxoxu-5oge.googlevideo.com/playlist_type/DVR/gcr/be/mm/32/mn/sn-uxaxoxu-5oge/ms/lv/mv/m/pl/14/dover/3/sver/3/upn/9nVKMsvdg5U/fexp/9416126,9416891,9420452,9422596,9423662,9426926,9427902,9428398,9432363/mt/1460285171/ip/,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,cmbypass,goi,sgoap,sgovp,hls_chunk_host,playlist_type,gcr,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl/signature/3B0472C66A88591AAD445ED4EDFD49AF83A8F3BB.361612C168DEC4C7339AF780404E6AF2B11DF4ED/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8
<  1273.851> [eServiceMP3] starting pipeline
<  1273.938> [eServiceMP3] state transition NULL -> READY
<  1273.954> resolved to PLAY
<  1273.956> new service started! trying to download cuts!
<  1273.957> RemovePopup, id = ZapError
write ret : 192000
write to /dev/lcd2 : 192000
<  1275.786> [DVBCAHandler] no more services
<  1276.849> [eDVBResourceManager] release cached channel (timer timeout)
<  1276.849> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x10f3fc0
<  1276.849> [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x10f3fc0
<  1276.850> [eDVBResourceManager] stop release channel timer
write ret : 192000
write to /dev/lcd2 : 192000
<  1279.852> [eDVBFrontend] close frontend 0
0:03:09.044842258  2241 0x72815600 INFO            dvbvideosink gstdvbvideosink.c:2013:gst_dvbvideosink_change_state:<dvbvideosink1> GST_STATE_CHANGE_NULL_TO_READY

Note the link works into firefox browser.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2271 Beeker

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:13

With IPTV player

Attached Files

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2272 mx3L

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:21

GST_DEBUG=tsdemux:5 gst-launch-1.0 souphttpsrc location='https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/id/aE7JOds_GtY.2/itag/95/source/yt_live_broadcast/requiressl/yes/ratebypass/yes/live/1/cmbypass/yes/goi/16
ap,sgovp,hls_chunk_host,playlist_type,gcr,mm,mn,ms,mv,pcm2cms,pl/signature/66B5EF31AE4E76C59D77A0640CAC77DA8B9090AE.1AE0E0A507DC89CCDB14013FC81BF263B248DA15/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8' ! hlsdemux ! tsdemux ! h264parse ! fakesink sile
0:00:06.147096369  5599   0x68b800 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2104:gst_ts_demux_push_pending_data:<tsdemux0:video_0100> stream:0x75a34b18, pid:0x0100 stream_type:27 state:2
0:00:06.148181369  5599   0x68b800 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2162:gst_ts_demux_push_pending_data: Not enough information to push buffers yet, storing buffer
0:00:06.149055924  5599   0x68b800 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2104:gst_ts_demux_push_pending_data:<tsdemux0:audio_0101> stream:0x75a2ba48, pid:0x0101 stream_type:15 state:0

tsdemux is not pushing buffers to next element, that's why it's not working. I just tried to comment this part of code and stream then works, but I don't find anything regarding this part in latest commits, I guess better ask gstreamer developers.

Do we know exactly in what version it worked?



Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2273 christophecvr

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:30

GST_DEBUG=tsdemux:5 gst-launch-1.0 souphttpsrc location='https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/id/aE7JOds_GtY.2/itag/95/source/yt_live_broadcast/requiressl/yes/ratebypass/yes/live/1/cmbypass/yes/goi/16
ap,sgovp,hls_chunk_host,playlist_type,gcr,mm,mn,ms,mv,pcm2cms,pl/signature/66B5EF31AE4E76C59D77A0640CAC77DA8B9090AE.1AE0E0A507DC89CCDB14013FC81BF263B248DA15/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8' ! hlsdemux ! tsdemux ! h264parse ! fakesink sile
0:00:06.147096369  5599   0x68b800 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2104:gst_ts_demux_push_pending_data:<tsdemux0:video_0100> stream:0x75a34b18, pid:0x0100 stream_type:27 state:2
0:00:06.148181369  5599   0x68b800 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2162:gst_ts_demux_push_pending_data: Not enough information to push buffers yet, storing buffer
0:00:06.149055924  5599   0x68b800 DEBUG                tsdemux tsdemux.c:2104:gst_ts_demux_push_pending_data:<tsdemux0:audio_0101> stream:0x75a2ba48, pid:0x0101 stream_type:15 state:0

tsdemux is not pushing buffers to next element, that's why it's not working. I just tried to comment this part of code and stream then works, but I don't find anything regarding this part in latest commits, I guess better ask gstreamer developers.

Do we know exactly in what version it worked?




if You aply the patch does it work ?

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2274 mx3L

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:32

Yes,  thought I'm using modified sinks, but will try also on default openpli.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2275 mx3L

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:40

On original openpli-dvbmediasink it doesn't work, problem is that only DTS timestamps are set on buffers.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2276 Beeker

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:44

Working here..with multibox-mediasink. Thanks.



Attached Files

Edited by Beeker, 10 April 2016 - 12:44.

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2277 Alexvrs

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:44

I found another problem gstreamer, this time with mp4, see this link here 


is not work

gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=http://e1.cdnak.neulion.com/nhl/vod/2016/01/27/741/2_741_phi_wsh_1516_h_continuous_
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
WARNING: from element /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstPlaySink:playsink: No volume control found
Additional debug info:
../../../git/gst/playback/gstplaysink.c(2857): gen_audio_chain (): /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstPlaySink:playsink:
Volume/mute is not available
Prerolled, waiting for buffering to finish...
Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
Got EOS from element "playbin0".
Execution ended after 0:00:00.004491741
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Setting pipeline to READY ...
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...

Edited by Alexvrs, 10 April 2016 - 12:47.

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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2278 Alexvrs

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:49

while in the performance of the console stops playing for a long time here:

Prerolled, waiting for buffering to finish...buffering... 1% 
buffering... 0% 
buffering... 1% 
buffering... 0% 

Один — стоит, Единый движется.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2279 mx3L

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 12:54

It looks like, we can use this patch until it's pushed, it solves the problem:

https://bugzilla.gno...209&action=edit from https://bugzilla.gno...g.cgi?id=608148

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #2280 Beeker

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 13:04


while in the performance of the console stops playing for a long time here:

Prerolled, waiting for buffering to finish...buffering... 1% 
buffering... 0% 
buffering... 1% 
buffering... 0% 


I get this:

root@dm8000:/# gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=http://e1.cdnak.neulion.com/nhl/vod/2016/01/27/741/2_741_phi_wsh_1516_h_continuous_1_1600K_16x9.mp4
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...

(gst-launch-1.0:3750): GLib-Net-WARNING **: couldn't load TLS file database: Failed to open file '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt': No such file or directory
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
WARNING: from element /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstPlaySink:playsink: No volume control found
Additional debug info:
../../../git/gst/playback/gstplaysink.c(2857): gen_audio_chain (): /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstPlaySink:playsink:
Volume/mute is not available
ERROR: from element /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstPlaySink:playsink/GstBin:vbin/GstDVBVideoSink:dvbvideosink0: There is no codec present that can handle the stream's type.
Additional debug info:
../git/gstdvbvideosink.c(1786): gst_dvbvideosink_set_caps (): /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstPlaySink:playsink/GstBin:vbin/GstDVBVideoSink:dvbvideosink0:
hardware decoder can't handle streamtype 1
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...

Edited by Beeker, 10 April 2016 - 13:04.

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

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