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GStreamer 1.0

gstreamer 1.0 openpli

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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #501 Erik Slagter

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 20:44

If it succeeds, can you (or someone else) make a "git am" patch?

Also it seems we're missing some other patches.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #502 theparasol

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Posted 1 February 2015 - 00:29

Retested it again after fresh build for my xp1000... works!


Attached Files

@Camping: ZGemma H.2S, Technisat Multytenne 4-in-1 @Home: Edision Mini 4K, Wave Frontier T55, EMP Centauri EMP DiSEqC 8/1 switch, 4x Inverto Ultra Black single LNB

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #503 Erik Slagter

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Posted 1 February 2015 - 10:29

And a generic patch?

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #504 mx3L

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Posted 2 February 2015 - 08:45

0001-enable-gstreamer1.0-support-in-configure.ac.patch - openpli-plugins-enigma2

other patches - openpli-oe-core

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #505 littlesat

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Posted 2 February 2015 - 13:56

Is this a general patch?

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #506 mx3L

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Posted 2 February 2015 - 14:50

What do you mean by general?


Can I please have a set of current and correct patches? I believe some of the patches mentioned above are no longer current?

These are current and I think correct patches.

@theparasol patch is the same as these patches, except that patch for openpli-plugins-enigma2 is added as patch for enigma2-plugins recipe in openpli-oe-core instead of directly it applying to openpli-plugins-enigma2.

Edited by mx3L, 2 February 2015 - 14:51.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #507 littlesat

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Posted 2 February 2015 - 14:59

For all type of boxes... because a previous patch was for XT1000 only....

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #508 mx3L

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Posted 2 February 2015 - 15:14

Yes they are for all types of boxes. There aren't patches for MACHINE's layers to enable gstreamer1.0.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #509 Erik Slagter

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Posted 2 February 2015 - 15:17

For all type of boxes... because a previous patch was for XT1000 only....

I called it "generic", I guess that's what you mean. General has another meaning ;)

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #510 Erik Slagter

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 11:12


This patch was borked. It didn't apply because it relies on context that isn't in the current version and it doesn't work work because it compares using test "x$version" < "x1". I have changed a few things and it does seem to work now, at least for gstreamer 0.10, which is my main concern.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #511 Erik Slagter

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 11:15


This one I need some explication with. Apparently it does "drag" a package with root ca certifcates in. I don't think that is necessary for proper gstreamer-1 operation, is it?

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #512 mx3L

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 11:28


 This package includes PEM files of CA certificates to allow SSL-based applications to check for the authenticity of SSL connections. This derived from Debian's CA Certificates.


Its neccessary for https streams when souphttpsrc is used with ssl-strict option turned on, which is currently turned off:

commit 5eb5c27d35dc6d17d3cf7d52067194562bb09925
Author: mx3L <mx3ldev@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 29 09:37:41 2014 +0100

    servicemp3 - turn off ssl-strict for souphttpsrc on GST1.0


If it's not installed then this warning is showing up:

eServiceMP3::starting pipeline
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!

(enigma2:1249): GLib-Net-WARNING **: couldn't load TLS file database: Failed to open file '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt': No such file or directory
resolved to PLAY
gst_elemesupressnt_query_position failed in getPlayPosition

So I think it's better to include it, at least to suppress this warning.

Edited by mx3L, 6 February 2015 - 11:30.

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #513 Erik Slagter

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 12:35

Warnings are harmless ;) If we're not using actual https, I'd rather not include it. if we're to include it, it should be applied to the master branch imo.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #514 Erik Slagter

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 12:38

Applied the rest. Are we complete now?

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #515 mx3L

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 13:17


I don't see this one applied: 0001-enable-gstreamer1.0-support-in-configure.ac.patch - openpli-plugins-enigma2

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #516 Erik Slagter

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 15:03

You mean this one, I had to change quite a bit to get it working:

commit fa9c03a1ec01c807186810d7ac8d176612d6b392
Author: Erik Slagter <erik@openpli.org>
Date:   Fri Feb 6 11:13:03 2015 +0100

    Add configure switch for compiling with either gstreamer-0.10
    or gstreamer 1.
    Based upon patch from christophecvr <stefansat@telenet.be>

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 4c3f834..45cd734 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ AC_INIT([enigma2],[4],[forum@openpli.org])
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([dist-bzip2 no-define tar-pax -Wno-portability])
+#dnl versions of gstreamer and plugins-base
+	AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gstversion],[use gstreamer version (major.minor)]),
 # Silent rules are available since 1.11, but older versions
 # are still in use. So don't use them unconditionally.
 m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
@@ -26,6 +31,13 @@ AX_PTHREAD
+if test "x$GST_MAJORMINOR" != "x1"
+	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GSTREAMER, gstreamer-0.10 gstreamer-pbutils-0.10)
+	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GSTREAMER, gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)
 AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GIT_DIR, test -d "$srcdir/.git")
 AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_FAKE_GIT_DIR, test -f "$srcdir/.git/last_commit_info")

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #517 theparasol

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Posted 6 February 2015 - 18:47

again this error:


| checking for GSTREAMER... no
| configure: error: Package requirements (gstreamer-0.10 gstreamer-pbutils-0.10) were not met:
| No package 'gstreamer-0.10' found
| No package 'gstreamer-pbutils-0.10' found

rechecked all patches... seems all to be ok.

Unable to find the culprit...

@Camping: ZGemma H.2S, Technisat Multytenne 4-in-1 @Home: Edision Mini 4K, Wave Frontier T55, EMP Centauri EMP DiSEqC 8/1 switch, 4x Inverto Ultra Black single LNB

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #518 theparasol

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Posted 7 February 2015 - 02:49

Found it... this commit: http://sourceforge.n...2d6b392/#diff-1

is wrong...

guessing issue is in


if test "x$GST_MAJORMINOR" != "x1"


Can it be that now 1.0 is hard checked, instead of all 1.x.x revs? so if I remember correctly gstreamer 1.5.6 is used for gst-1 branch:


if test 1.5.6 != 1.0 -> gstreamer0.10 packages are still selected instead of gstreamer1.0 packages


Anyway I quickly added a .bbapend and a patch that removes the whole test and always uses gstreamer1.0 packages (since I dont care about gst 0.1 packages)

and now its compiling again.

@Camping: ZGemma H.2S, Technisat Multytenne 4-in-1 @Home: Edision Mini 4K, Wave Frontier T55, EMP Centauri EMP DiSEqC 8/1 switch, 4x Inverto Ultra Black single LNB

Re: GStreamer 1.0 #519 Erik Slagter

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Posted 7 February 2015 - 10:56

I guess the $MAJORMINOR should be $MAJOR only... But I don't know for sure if that variable is defined.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: GStreamer 1.0 #520 theparasol

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Posted 7 February 2015 - 15:13

Perhaps you adopted too much :)


Christophecvr patch uses:


if test "x$GST_MAJORMINOR" < "x1"; then


So if you merely change the "!=" into "<" again all gstreamer 1.x.x revisions will use the gstreamer1.0 code instead of just the "1.0" rev.

@Camping: ZGemma H.2S, Technisat Multytenne 4-in-1 @Home: Edision Mini 4K, Wave Frontier T55, EMP Centauri EMP DiSEqC 8/1 switch, 4x Inverto Ultra Black single LNB

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