The dvbmediasink used by openpli (for xp / et / mutant) supports more (hardware) codecs than the one used by vu+. So that's not the issue.
As you know, vu+ does fallbacks to software codecs, for some formats.
And, with the proper config, the openpli mediasink can be told to use software codecs as well, if hardware codecs would not work on a certain platform.
So that's not the issue either.
However, the vu+ mediasink uses different ioctl's, different codec defines, and different codecdata formatting.
That's the reason why we cannot use the same mediasink on vu+ hardware.
Yes that's , a bit more clear then my previous explanation.
The real problem just ocurs here
As you know, vu+ does fallbacks to software codecs, for some formats.
However, the vu+ mediasink uses different ioctl's, different codec defines, and different codecdata formatting cause they use software codecs.
They use a standard in evolution dvbmediasink from schwerckcraft. With only a very few changes just related to that codecs issue.
And ioctl ? the only difference could be in here
diff --git a/src/gstdvbaudiosink.c b/src/gstdvbaudiosink.c
index ac59252..8eb22ce 100644
--- a/src/gstdvbaudiosink.c
+++ b/src/gstdvbaudiosink.c
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ gst_dvbaudiosink_init (GstDVBAudioSink *klass, GstDVBAudioSinkClass * gclass)
klass->dump_filename = NULL;
gst_base_sink_set_sync (GST_BASE_SINK(klass), FALSE);
- gst_base_sink_set_async_enabled (GST_BASE_SINK(klass), TRUE);
+ gst_base_sink_set_async_enabled (GST_BASE_SINK(klass), FALSE);
gst_pad_set_acceptcaps_function (GST_BASE_SINK (klass)->sinkpad,
GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_dvbaudiosink_acceptcaps));
For the rest pretty standard.
It's eighter different by openpli dvbmediasink.
Or more correct that's the way how driver is made. And the boxes are now not all the same neighter is the hardware.
If one dvbmediasink is the goal in future then that needs just to be adapted in function off different hardware's be a bit more dynamic .
Now that just is not so simple since real expert will be required.
Say the driver is wrong ... that is wrong ..... Like some do is not the solution .