amlogic kernel 3.14.29 dvb api (kernel/include\uapi\linux\dvb/version.h
#ifndef _DVBVERSION_H_#define _DVBVERSION_H_#define DVB_API_VERSION 5#define DVB_API_VERSION_MINOR 10#endif /*_DVBVERSION_H_*/I think that is main problems nimdetec
Yes I thought so too, the kernel headers include the dvb api version 5 while avl6862 is using version 3(I could be wrong though), anyway I think afl1 added some compatibility for dvbv5 (maybe the driver is mixed dvbv3 and dvbv5 ?) which might confuse enigma2.
without afl1 getting onboard to fix these issues I don't think enigma2 would ever work on these boxes