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Member Since 14 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active 21 Dec 2023 10:13

#1115800 Onder mijn berichten hier staat staat dat nog OpenPLi 6.2 gebruik

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 20 October 2019 - 20:21

Probeer hier eens: https://forums.openp...&area=signature

#819857 BackupSuite

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 29 December 2017 - 21:10

Sry but in which way i can set to backup on my mmc ? There is only Hard disk or usb




Make a file with the name backupstick.txt in the root of your mmc and try to run the option backup> usb

#816320 Merry Christmas

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 22 December 2017 - 16:56

Thanks and a merry Christmas too to you all.

#812809 splash screens voor de vu uno 4k se

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 14 December 2017 - 21:52

Wiki bijgewerkt met de uno4kse, nieuwe zip gemaakt en nieuwe koppeling naar de betreffende posting


#811873 BackupSuite

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 12 December 2017 - 21:46

Thanks Biki3, also a big thank you for you too! You helped me a lot with testing and had some great suggestions in the scripts.

#811735 BackupSuite

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 12 December 2017 - 19:11


I stop the development and maintenance of the BackupSuite due to personal circumstances. I have found Persian Prince willing to take over the task from me.
Thank you for all the positive reactions I received in the past.
I assume that the BackupSuite is in good hands with Persian Prince.
I do not completely disappear from the satellite scene so you will see me regularly on the Openpli forum.



#747511 BackupSuite

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 29 July 2017 - 05:58

Download it on your receiver in telnet with the command(s)

opkg update && opkg download enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite

#727247 TV Gids opslaan.

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 25 June 2017 - 17:18

Neem een papieren TV-gids die kan je jaaaaren lang bewaren

#696224 Fake IPTV channel.

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 10 April 2017 - 19:44

Trek de antennekabel er uit, probleem opgelost, geen enkele zender meer te zien

#692870 BackupSuite

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 2 April 2017 - 10:05

Your problem isn't clear to me:
- which receiver do you use?
- what kind of image are you running atyour attempts, Openpli or Blackhole?
- what kind of backups do you want to restore, Blackhole backups?

#689387 backup decoder arm processors

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 24 March 2017 - 07:05

Maybe he wants to distribute some backups with c-lines and wants to protect the specifics, otherwise I can't think of the problems he thinks he''s having

#676011 Restore your Vu+ splashscreen

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 27 February 2017 - 21:37

Some users ask how to replace the splashscreen of other images after the user tested another images from other image-builders and afterwards (again) install an OpenPLi image.

After installing OpenPLi they will still face the picture of that other image builder on reboot.
These imagebuilders are in fact so proud of themselves that they replace the standard splashscreen with their own splashscreen

With the attached file, you can flash back the default factory splashscreen.

This flashing is basically safe because there is nothing flashed except the factory splash screen)

This file is suitable for models:

duo2, solo2, solo4k, solose, ultimo, ultimo4k, uno, uno4k and zero.


Just unpack the attached zipfile on an USB stick and start the flash procedure on your Vu+ model


Attached Files

#676005 Herstel splash screens van Vu+ modellen

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 27 February 2017 - 21:22

Geregeld komen er vragen hoe het startscherm van andere images te vervangen nadat de gebruikers "vreemd" zijn gegaan naar andere images en dan daarna (weer) een Openpli image installeren.

Na de installatie van Openpli blijven ze bij een reboot toch met het plaatje van die andere imagebouwer geconfronteerd.
Deze imagebouwers zijn namelijk zo trots op zichzelf dat zij het standaard fabrieksplaatje vervangen door hun eigen plaatje.


Met bijgaand bestand kan je het standaard fabrieksplaatje weer terug flashen.

Dit flashen is in principe veilig want er wordt niets anders geflasht dan het fabrieks-opstartplaatje (de zgn. splash screen)

Dit bestand is geschikt voor de modellen:

duo2, solo2, solo4k, solose, ultimo, ultimo4k, uno, uno4k en de zero.


Pak het bestand uit op een USB-stick en flashen maar.

Op de stick staan dan alle bestanden voor bovengenoemde modellen, je Vu+ is slim genoeg om het juiste plaatje er uit te selecteren :D

Attached Files

#675660 Update and maintain settings and plugins

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 27 February 2017 - 06:21

At the first attempt to update the TS gets the advice to make a backup with Autobackup or Backupsuite. The system waits until the confirmation that the user understand this advice.
So it seems to me that the user is adequate informed


#670965 BackupSuite

Posted by Pedro_Newbie on 19 February 2017 - 07:53

On many requests the Octagon SF4008 is now added to the BackupSuite, tomorrow after an update it should be added to the BackupSuite

Big thanks go to Athoik for the pull request for taking some work out of my hands