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#282691 How to Record by VUDUO or authers in HDD whitout advertazing.
Posted by razorback on 12 June 2012 - 05:23
with satellite equipment (even if you have only one tuner) you can start 2 recordings at the same time as long as the channels are on the same transponder, with a dual tuner like the Vu+Duo you could theoretically have 2 recordings running while looking at a different channel on one of the transponders where you are recording.
This said the scenario is a bit complicated for the software to decide which recording to pause when you hit "pause" and to resume when you hit "play" again.
It should work somehow like timeshift (as hemispherical has said already) but where in timeshift mode you definitely don't want to pause the recording in your case it is the contrary.
Quite an issue.......
#276446 webinterface eror
Posted by razorback on 13 May 2012 - 09:45
on my notebook (win 7-x64 ultimate german, Radeon Mobility HD 5xxx, Catalyst 12.4) I get the mentioned behaviour
on my HTPC (win 7-x64 ultimate english, Radeon HD 5xxx, Catalyst 12.4) IE9 works properly.
both access the ET-9100, so it is of course not the image.
#263553 smargo reader problem
Posted by razorback on 15 March 2012 - 07:25
as pieterg mentioned this dreambox mode was necessary some time ago (not only for powerpc but also for DM-800 with early Gemini Images).
and then - as Spock mentioned - change the line in cccam.cfg to
SERIAL READER: /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+
and everything should be working ok.
#263552 Save of channel order Vu+ uno
Posted by razorback on 15 March 2012 - 07:18
with this you read all your settings from the box, edit them on the pc and transfer them back to where they belong.
Easiest way to do it.
#262729 Parameters shown on Infobar are wrong
Posted by razorback on 12 March 2012 - 12:00
We know that if you show the transponder parameters (instead of the frontend status), the information will match what is in the lamedb.
This discussion is about the frontend status.
If a skin is showing transponder parameters, you cannot use it to debug frontend status.
please enlighten me.....since I am - as mentioned - no developer.
what is the difference between "transponder parameters" and "frontend status" ?
when I had definitely wrong data in my lamedb, on the ET-9100 the correct data was displayed in the infobar (apparently because of the ability of the tuners to get it right anyway)whereas on the VU+Duo I got a "tuning failed" (apparently because the tuners there are not that capable).
which - for me - would say that whatever is responsible for the display, must have access to the "real tuner data", obviously retrieved from what the tuner is providing....
how so ???
And I know, I am a nuisance - but why can a skin (whatever it does) display the correct information and others can not ??
I want to UNDERSTAND what is happening there.......
#262312 Parameters shown on Infobar are wrong
Posted by razorback on 10 March 2012 - 14:42
after all it DOES display the correct information !
(as does the mentioned info from Glass-Utils).
So, what's the issue ?
perhaps: "not invented here" ?
#262306 Parameters shown on Infobar are wrong
Posted by razorback on 10 March 2012 - 13:42
you all are riding the horse "HD-Glass-Skin" is BAD, BAD, BAD
but obviously the author (shamann) has found a way to put information straight, didn't he ?
on one of the posts in this thread, Glass-Utilities was used to prove things.
Same author as glass skin - what a surprise !!
(btw does Glass-Utilities also "change system files" ?)
however - it seems to me PLi-Team should try to recruit the author of this stuff (shamann) in order to put things right in terms of information of vital system data.
you said:
And without Glass skin...when it is 100% completely removed??? (not only disselected)...? May I suggest that glass makes something corrupt here????
excuse me, but what could glass "make corrupt" by displaying the correct data ??????
you said:
Ok, but we all know that HD-GLASS-16 modifies certain system files, so although your post is helpful it doesn't tell us where that data is coming from.
Well, apparently the maker of Glass-16 DOES know .
Again, I would really suggest the Team to contact this shamann-person - it would definitely be an enhancement....
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